The Secret

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"Come on Mel!" Jason yelled as we walked up the steps the Club Verdant. Jason was my best friend although I sometimes thought he wanted to be more. I could never give into that though. Jason was my best friend and I didn't want to become close like that and then have my heart ripped from me and smashed.

My friends had convinced me to come to a club a couple weeks ago. I didn't think I'd actually go through with it, but now here we were, walking up the steps into what Jason calls the best club in the Glades. I had never been here but I had heard of it. It was originally a Queen Consolidated factory. But when the son of Robert Queen returned back to Starling, after being gone for five years and thought to be dead, turned it into a night club. Now it was owned by his sister and it was a big hit.

As we walk in I realized that I was scared for nothing. Jason slips his arm around my shoulders and for once I don't pull away. I know he's happy, which makes me feel uncomfortable but I don't show it. He walks but to the bar and gets us some drinks. "Thanks!" I yell over the booming music. I see the someone walk up to Jason. They embrace each other while I look blankly at them knowing I probably look stupid too.

He sees me and laughs along with the girl. She is a medium sized girl, with short, dark hair. But it's what she wears that catches my eye. She is wearing a salmon colored tank top with sequence on the neck line and dark skinny jeans that cut off after her knee. Hi!" She yells to me over the music. I smile and before I get a chance to say anything Jason speaks, "This is Melanie!" He yells to the girl and then turns to me, "Mel this is Thea Queen! She's the owner of the club!" Suddenly I understand everything. The clothes, the jewerly, her in general. "Nice to meet you!" We yell at the same time and the start laughing. "Well I have to get back to work! It's nice to see you Jason! And nice to meet you Melanie! Enjoy the club!" As she walks away Jason stares after her.

Jason and I are joined by some of are other friends throughout the night. We party and drink and have a great time. Jason, his friend Blake, and I stay the longest. To say I had a good time would be an understatement. I spent the night with my best friend dancing and drinking and laughing. I could tell Jason was having a great time too. He was watching me laugh and talk but he also watched Thea. There was a history there anyone could tell. As the night came to a close we headed home. Jason got a ride with Blake. They were going to his apartment to change before he headed to work. They worked at a factory for Palmer Technologies. They offered me a ride but I declined, Blake was sober but I needed the fresh air. Before I knew it all my friends were gone and I was alone.

I grabbed my bag and headed out. It was dangerous to walk alone in the Glades at night. I knew that as well as anyone, but I was to drunk to drive and it was the only way to get home without having to pay for a cab. Also I needed the fresh air, it would help me clear my mind. I passed a lot of the homeless on the way home. It made me think of my days as a homeless child. I never wanted to go back to that life. I finally made it to the street that led to my apartment, but I was too late. A gang of muggers were approaching me. It was easy to tell that they were muggers because i knew the langue. I use to mug and pig- pocket when I didn't have a job or a place to live. I kept my head down and started to walk faster. 'Almost home. Almost home' I thought to myself over and over. I started to jog a little bit.

I glanced behind me every few seconds to make sure they weren't gaining up. They stayed a couple yards back but they were still following me. I felt safer when I got closer to my apartment building. I could almost see it. But I got my hopes up too soon. I glanced behind me again and two of the muggers were missing, I'm not being followed. I was being herded.

There were two blocking my path to home, freedom, and safety and then there were two more blocking me from behind. I couldn't exactly run to the left or right since there was nothing to run to. I knew if I screamed it would make things worse but I could feel a scream building inside my throat.

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