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Author's POv:

3 years later,

Silvia said on the phone, "What do you mean?..... you are supposed to come early today.... Merida is coming today for dinner with her family.."

Silvia smiled on the phone saying, "Yea... I just got off work an hour ago......Yea.... Anyway, remember to bring diapers..... we are running out....bye, Love you..."

She puts the phone down. She had a glance at sleeping baby on the sofa smiling to herself.

She turned Seth who was having his evening snacks on the dining table. This small house made her happier than that mansion. She was with a man who loved her, treasure her... respect her... she wasn't a object but life of this house.

Silvia said to 15 year old Seth, "Your baby Brother, looks so cute while sleeping... but you were cuter when that age.... Daniel is less fussy today...." She had an year old son now, she name him Daniel.

But something bothered her indeed, the silence and distance from Seth. Seth wasn't like this before. She told herself it was his teenage, he was suppose to be different.

Seth never complained when Silvia married Officer Lewis after dating him. She grew close to Officer Lewis after knowing him, how kind he was.... he helped her at her worst, things just changed between them.... they didn't realized when it went from kindness to love..... he was indeed a good man. He accepted Seth as his own son, maybe Lewis loved Seth more than Daniel.

Silvia said, "Seth... Your Dad asked me what should we get you for your birthday next week.... I was thinking a new phone?"

Seth looked at Silvia on this, He got really tall, had resemblance to Alberto. But she always dismissed it, his looks to Alberto doesn't matter... because Seth is a good student, actually the top.... he is always on the sports team... takes part in school competitions and ace them... He is a good kid.

Seth got up saying, "mom..... I will think about it.... I have math test tomorrow.... I need to study, food was good mom..."

Silvia smiled, she said, "Don't stress yourself too much....."

Seth smiled going in back to his room, He said, "I will tell You later what I want.... Tell Dad to wait a little..." Silvia smiled at herself.

Whenever Seth calls Lewis 'Dad', her heart comes to rest. Silvia smiled saying to herself, "he has a better father now.... he deserves this..."

She heard the baby crying, she panicked going to baby who woke up from his nap, she said in cute voice, "God!!!!.. baby got up again.... such a fussy baby... my chubby cutie!"

The same night,

Lewis said getting in the bed, "Dinner went better than I thought..."

Silvia sat beside him, she said, "Yea.... but are you sure they liked the food...."

Lewis nod and said, "don't worry, Silvia..."

Lewis got up remembering something, he went to his bag, pulling a paper. He said, "I am thinking about giving Seth something more with phone... like my boy is pretty impressive..."

Silvia looked at him suspicious, Lewis said, "He got top score in whole class..... he topped again.... come on my young man deserves that..."

Silvia said, "Can I stop you?" She laughed with Lewis.

Lewis got back in bed saying, "I am so proud of him.... I can't stop bragging about of to my coworkers, like they are tired of it...."

Silvia hugs him saying, "Me too...."

In Seth's room....

Seth looked at the picture in his hand silently. His eyes showed no emotions.

He whispered, "Miss you Dad.... Love you mom...." Seth was staring picture of Alberto and Silvia with him as 13 year old on their wedding day.

Seth whispered, "Mom will probably hate if she knew I still have this picture.. she destroyed other pictures.... it's little burnt but fine..."

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