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I was sitting in the car with Alberto... it was insanely long flight.... or it felt like that with him.

Alberto was talking on his phone in a language I couldn't understand. I looked out of the window in attempt to know what place I am in?

Am I in the same country as mine?

I noticed the shop name on the street. I looked down, something in me was so relieved to know it was my own country... I can at least communicate and know the ways....

I have good chance of escape than being on his island or in new country. I was thinking for an idea, a way.. to escape.....

I felt like a desperate person, in need for something for survival.

I felt Alberto grabbed my hand, I looked at him on this. I internally feared he knows what's in my mind. He will kill me for sure....

Alberto whispered, "We are here... remember don't do anything funny... I don't like jokes.." the warning made my bones chills, and his cold eyes made me see what ends at the dark end....

but for that moment I was so concerned about my freedom...and the light blinded me...

Alberto puts my hat on my face, he whispered, "Behave well in front of them..."

He bend down to my face, I kept him kissing me. He parted soon, I heard him, "You understand..."

I whispered, "yes.... I understand..." He smirked, while my breathes were about to stop... what is this?...

Is he planning something again?...

but whatever it is...

I am going to get free soon..... really soon.....


I was brought in the room, a luxurious room..... bigger than my house. But this felt like an golden cage.

I sat down near the window. I might me on the top floor.... everything looks so small....

I saw Alberto removing his jacket. He sat in front of me looking out too... He pulled something from his pocket, the threw them on the small coffee table between us.

Alberto said, "You missed the pills... take them...."

Birth control bills.....

I took them without hesitation. I don't want to have child with him.

Alberto's were scanning me, he said, "The party is tomorrow evening. Be sure to wear a mask... it's mandatory....."

I nod, these people are crazy... I am sure in this party people like Alberto would be involved... the biggest criminals and mafias.

I heard Alberto, "You look like .... you are enjoying the view.... what's in your mind, Silvia?... don't lie..."

I knew he was trying to trap in his words... if I lie, then he will torture me... if I tell the truth result will be worst...

I said to him, "I... I miss the city place....... I use to.."

He cut my words, "You use to fool around in clubs with men.... so?.... can't cut being a h*e?"

He asked warning. I said, "If.. I was this bad for you... then why ruin my life!!!!"

I almost screamed the last past, it happened out of frustration and anger, the insult fired the thoughts I had.

He stayed silent, I realized what I said. My fear grew on his silence, I did mistake.. I did mistake...

I did mistake...



my mind started repeating words....

I looked at him and whispered, "I.. I am sorry... I don't... know why....I said...."

I lacked words as I saw him smiling, he leaned to me as, Alberto whispered, "I like this... a fear in you... It reminds you who you belong too..."

He grabbed my face and whispered, "But.... Silvia.... remember....... the life you had gave you nothing... while this life... provides you everything...."

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