-(91) a father's sacrifice

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ZILLIAH slowly rises from her bed, stretching her arms out and squinting against the sunlight that pours into the room. She wishes the curtains to come down and in an instant, by the flick of Draco's wrist, it does. He enters the room and makes his way over to her, a bright smile on his face, holding a tray of food in his hand. Pancakes. Her favourite. Of course, he knows that.

"Good morning, my love", he mumbles into her skin, kissing the top of her head and setting the tray down onto the bed in front of her, sitting down the same. 

She peers at him with half-open eyes and just grins at the sheer beauty this man is in nothing but his boxers. And he is hers. Hers. What did she ever do to deserve that?

He shakes his head at her with a small laugh, clearly understanding the train of thoughts in her head. He then proceeds to pick up the tray and place it on the bedside table before grabbing her and plunging back into the bed, his arms tightly wrapped around her.

"Good morning, Draco", she mumbles back in response at last, her lips half an inch away from his.

His hands travel up to her cheeks and caress them slowly, his eyes boring into hers and his breath fanning down on her skin. "Why did you do this to me?", he asks, his thumb pressing down on her lower lip.

She smiles, confused, yet unable to take her eyes off of him or move a limb. "What do you mean?"

The smile on his face melts away, instilling a deep sense of dread within her guts. "I told you I'll kill you if you die on me", he says.

Her smile too falters just as his lips crash down on hers. "What-"

"You made me do this", he whispers, sending cold chills travelling down her spine for all the wrong reasons. "You made me..", he mumbles over and over again as his hands wrap around her neck, suffocating her.

She tries to lift her own hand to pry them off but for the life of her, she cannot move. Through the gap that exists between their lips, water overflows, flooding her system. She tries to scream. She tries to move. But she finds herself incapable of doing anything at all.

She shuts her eyes in panic, her mind going haywire and her lungs giving out. "Wake up, my love. Wake up", Draco's voice rings in her ears, pleading and soft. "Come back to me. Please come back to me. I can't be without you."

And she wants to scream back to him that she can't be without him too. Gods, does she want to. 

"Don't give in. Fight it, my love", he tells her and she tries to nod and finds herself incapable of doing that too.

It's then that she remembers everything that happened to her. It's then that she remembers Theo. The magic restraining chain. The body binding spell.

In a split second, she gets her mind to focus on the chain through the frenzy. She wills every part of her to fight against it and it works. The next second, the chain comes undone. But the spell remains intact. Oh, how she hated that spell.  She uses that hate and that spite in her to manoeuver her magic to every inch in her, overpowering the spell cast upon her to free herself. 

And it works. As soon as her brain processes that she can move again, she kicks her feet and swims back up to the surface using up every last bit of energy within her. Black rounds in on her vision and she can feel herself slipping away, her system failing.

"Please come back to me", Draco's voice rings in her ears, the sole fuel with which she pushes through. And she really doesn't know how but at last, she pulls herself up onto the surface and passes out.

Julien. She can never forget Julien.

She can never forget the way Luci's hands were wrapped around her waist as they flew through the sky upon Julien. She can never forget how quickly Luci and Julien bonded and how they messed around with her. She can never ever forget those crystal black snake eyes of Julien that Luci used to claim was even better than hers. And it's that same Julien that hovered above her as she blinked into consciousness. 

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