35. Meant To Be

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                            Arthur's pov

I've been wanting to talk with Grace the entire night, but Max never left her side.

I was furious when she told me that she came here with Max, but I tried to remain calm. But I have no right to be mad at her, not after what I'm about to do.

I see Grace walk towards the restrooms so I follow her behind. When she gets in, I wait for her outside, not wanting to go in. But when she takes awhile in there, I push the doors open while hesitating a bit and I see her in front of me.

"Please, let me explain." I tell her and she looks at me shocked.

"Arthur? What are you doing here?"

"I had to talk to you." I say while walking up to her.

"No I mean, in here." She then says. "You can't be-"

"I didn't invite you to come here, because I didn't want you to be here...with me."

I look at her, her face drops and I curse myself a thousand times.

"I...I didn't...I can't see you...anymore."

"Arthur,w-what...what do you mean?" She questions, her eyes becoming watery.

"Grace." I say as I put my hands on her shoulders "We can't see each other anymore."

"We can't...or you don't want to?"

I hesitate at first but then I take a deep breath and I say "I don't want to."

"I don't believe you." Grace says slowly, clearly not believing anything that comes out of my mouth.

"Can't you see?" I say while raising my voice a bit "All you do is make my life complicated, make me miserable."

I tell her when in fact all I want to say to her is 'I love you'

"Arthur, I never meant-"

"Stop it! Just stop fucking talking!" I interrupt her because I'm scared that if she continues talking I will give up, and kiss her.

But I've thought about this moment for days now and when I saw Grace and Charles at the balcony together, it finally encouraged me.

I need to stop what's going on between us before someone gets hurt...before she gets hurt.

Tears run down her cheeks and it takes everything in me not to reach for her, dry them.

"Did I...do something wrong?" She asks, almost whispering.

No baby, you didn't do anything wrong. You made me the happiest man alive, you made my days better with only your presence, you made me believe in myself and believe that I can be a better person. And I love you, but if it comes down to my brother and you...

I choose Charles.

Charles has taken care of me his entire life and I saw how heartbroken he truly was without Grace.

Now I want to take care of him, at least just this once.

And I know that what has been happening between me and Grace has been hurting him, and I don't want to see him hurt. Not after everything he's been through.

"Please, don't make this any harder than it already is." I tell her slowly, tears stinging my eyes now.

Grace reaches for me but I take a few steps back, not looking at her.

I've seen the way Charles looks at her, and I've seen how she looks at him. They were made for each other. I can't compete with that, and I don't want to have to.

I love Grace with everything in me, but I want her to be happy more, and I know Charles makes her happy...truly happy.

She deserves pure, unconditional love.

The type of love that never fades, the type of love that comes back every single time and only grows stronger. But I can't give her that...Charles can.

"You're breaking up with me...but we never were really together." She says through her tears and I can't believe I'm the one causing them.

"That's because you never truly stopped being his" I tell her with a small smile.

She's full on crying right now.

Being stabbed would hurt less than seeing her like this right now.

I go near her, putting my lips on her forehead, kissing her lightly.

"Goodbye my love." I whisper.

I turn around, opening the bathroom door and leaving.

I immediately text Charles, not wanting to leave her alone.

                                    She's in the bathroom
                                                   She needs you.


I immediately go to my car, not wanting to stay here any longer.

When I get in, I think back on all the memories we made together, think back on that night at the club, how I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

I was stupid, stupid for thinking she would choose me over him, for thinking that this would work. It never would, not with Charles in the picture.

Besides, the heart wants what it wants.

I'll forever be grateful to her, because she taught me that, even if a relationship doesn't work out, even if two people don't end up together, it doesn't mean that it wasn't meant to be.

We weren't meant to last but we were meant to be.

"Maybe in another lifetime my love." I whisper.


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