15. Afterparty

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Grace's pov

"Hey, Cami? I'm going to visit Arthur real quick." I inform Camilla while knocking on the bathroom door.

She's currently having a shower. A very long one might I add. It feels like I've been waiting for her for an eternity. We're both currently getting ready for the f1 afterparty. I wasn't really in the mood to go but Arthur wanted me to be there and Cami begged me to go for some reason. I haven't decided what I want to wear yet but i'm hoping Arthur can help me with that.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Cami shouts so I can hear her through the noise of the water running.

"Oh, shut up!" I say while grabbing my dresses and heading for the door.

When I'm outside of Arthur's room I knock.

"Come on in." Could be heard so I walked in.

As soon as I walked in the room I saw Arthur who was already dressed up. He was dressed in all black and looked very handsome. When he sees that it's me, he heads towards me to greet me.

"Hey beautiful!" he says and gives me a small kiss on the lips.

"I've been waiting to do that all day." He adds then.

His lips collide with mine again but this time his kisses are more urgent, more needy. One of his hands is behind my neck, pulling me closer to him and the other on my waist. My hands roam around his chest. When I feel like I can't breathe anymore I pull away from him.

"If we continue like this, we won't be able to leave for the party at all." I say while I look up at him.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." He replies. "Anyway why aren't you dressed yet?" Arthur asks as he looks me up and down.

"I thought you could help me with that."

"Show me your options." He says and goes to lie down on his bed with his hands behind his head. He really is enjoying this.

I first show him a royal blue dress that is long and has a split on the side and then my second option which is a short, red dress. I hold them up so he can pick between them.

"So what, aren't you're going to try them on for me?" He smirks.

I could feel my cheeks burn as I begin to blush.

"No, you're just going to wait and see." I tell him so I don't give him the satisfaction.

He groans clearly not pleased with my answer.

"I want you to wear the red one."

"Alright, the red one it is."

Arthur gets up from his bed to walk me at the door. Before I leave, I fix his bow tie which he had done a poor job at putting on. He thanks me with a kiss.

"See you in five?" He says.



Arthur drives me and Camilla to the club where the after party is taking place. I'm sitting in the passenger seat while Cami is seated at the back. During our way there we listen to Taylor Swift and more scream than sing along but Arthur doesn't seem to mind.

When we are close to the club, I start feeling anxious and my leg won't stop shaking.

Am I about to walk into a party full of f1 drivers with Arthur? 

Arthur realises that I'm feeling nervous and puts the hand he isn't using to drive on my thigh. He moves his thumb up and down, trying to relax me. I start feeling a lot better. It's weird how fast he manages to calm me down.

He gets out of the car and rushes to my side, opening the door for me. Camilla gets out as well and we all head for the club.

Here goes nothing.


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