16. Inches Between

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Grace's pov

Arthur takes my hand and leads me inside of the club. As soon as we walk in we're greeted by loud music and people everywhere. I try to stay near Arthur so I don't get lost, Cami following behind me.

"Did I mention how beautiful you look tonight?" Arthur asks and butterflies explode in my stomach.

"I think you forgot." I chuckle.

"I love this dress on you" he continues "but it would look better on the floor of my hotel room." he smirks.

Suddenly Arthur's phone rings.

"Sorry ladies, it's an important call, I have to take it." he kisses my cheek and goes to a less crowded place to talk on the phone.

Me and Cami go to the bar and order some drinks. After a bit, a guy approaches Camilla and they both head for the dance floor. I'm left alone at the bar so I continue drinking.

Suddenly a pair of hands grip my waist and pull me closer to them.

Thank God Arthur came bak, I didn't want to stay alone any longer.

I turn around and say "Finally" but when I do I'm greeted by another face.

"Oh...it's you."  I say as my face falls. His hands are still on my waist, remaining there.

"Were you perhaps expecting somebody else?" Charles says while leaning in my ear.

I put my hands on his chest to put some distance between us but also out of habit. Now there's only inches in between us. I can feel his hot breath on my neck. He's drunk.

Did I mention how handsome he looked tonight? He was wearing a black shirt that had buttons but the buttons at the top were undone so his chest was visible. His hair was combed upwards, something I loved when he did with his hair but it was messy at the top.

He was perfect.

"What are you doing here...with him?" He bluntly asks me while looking into my eyes. He's jaw is clenched and it looks like he's holding back from saying or doing something he might regret.

I don't miss to notice the puzzled look on his face. It looks like something between angry, sad, confused and disgusted at the same time.

But I don't blame him for it.

"Arthur invited me." I say while looking at the floor. I tell him the truth this time because the least I owe him it's just that. However I'm not sure how much of the truth I can give him just yet.

His grip on me tightens when I say his brother's name.

"So what, are you two like...a thing now?" he turns his head to the side, still looking at me.

"No...no we're not."

Me and Arthur...what we have is more than a friendship, but we've never talked about it, so we're not really together either. I don't know what we are and I'm just as confused as anyone else in this situation.

"What are you doing to me?" Charles suddenly asks as if he's in pain.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

What did I do wrong now?

"This dress...it's killing me" he says and buries his head in my neck. He then inhales deeply.

"You want to know my first thought when I saw you in this dress?"

I was dying to know what he thought of me. I nod while waiting for him to put me out of my misery.

"Use words, mon amour" I can't see his face but I know that he's smirking at me. If it wasn't for Charles still holding me I would have collapsed on the floor.

"Tell me...please."

"I thought that I'm not a religious man, but goddamn if you didn't make me want to drop to my knees and worship you"

I could feel my insides turn upside down. Did I hear that correctly?

He finally looks at me and I drop my head down, not wanting him to see me blushing. He puts a finger to my chin and pulls my head up, forcing me to look at him. I hate him. I hate him for making me feel these things. I hate the way my body reacts to his touch.

Charles starts leaning in. Does he want to kiss me? I just stand there, not knowing what to do. The alcohol that I had a few minutes ago is not helping either. My body is craving for him right now.

Charles gets dangerously close. His eyes never leaving mine. Our noses touch, his lips lightly brush mine, as he's about to lean in...

I pull away.

This is wrong and I know it. Charles is drunk. He wouldn't be saying these things if he was sober. He's just messing with my head. Before he gets the chance to say anything, I slip away from his grip, leaving him to stand alone.

Trust me, it's better this way. You'd hate me if you knew the whole story.


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