1. Have We Met Before?

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Grace's pov

"Grace, hurry up or we're going to be late!" Camilla, my best friend could be heard all the way from downstairs.

"I'm almost finished!" I shout, knowing damn well I'm not even halfway done with my makeup.

I walk around the huge pile of clothes I've thrown on the floor during the crisis of having to find something to wear and after 30 minutes I give myself a good look in the mirror. I decided to wear a short, maroon dress for tonight because it suits my dark blonde hair perfectly and it looks fitting enough for the occasion.

Struggling a bit at the stairs, I walk down and I'm greeted by a frown on Cami's face.

"Finally. Can we go now?" The brunette says as she pretends to be angry at me. I throw my hand over her shoulder with a smile on my face while she puts her arm to my waist, side-hugging me.

"Ready to have the best night of our lives?" I say with pure excitement in my voice.

Camila's the party animal between us both. I'm more the type of person to stay home in my pyjamas and rewatch Pretty Little Liars for the 100th time. However, I can't remember the last time I went out and Camilla is practically dragging me to this club. There's no getting out of this.

"Let's go get drunk baby!"


We enter the club which is already packed with people in every single corner we throw our eyes on, even though it's still quite early into the night. The music that's blasting in the background is so loud that I have to get close to Cami in order to listen to all she has to say.

"Shall we start with a drink?" She says and takes my hand and leads me to the bar. We take a seat next to each other and Cami orders our first drinks of the night.

"So..." Cami says and takes a sip of her cocktail "See anyone you like?"

"We literally just got here." I say and death stare her "Plus, I'm not looking into hooking up with anyone tonight."

Coming to the club was one thing, I don't want to make small talk with a stranger as well.

"We'll see about that." She winks.

We definitely had way more than "a drink" and not much later I found myself at the dance floor, my body swinging with the rhythm of a song. The dim lights of the club blur everything together, making it hard to make out what's happening around me.

I hadn't had fun in so long. My days had been all looking the same for a while: curling up in bed and never leaving my house unless I had to work. But tonight it was different. I could feel it.

I turned to Camila so we could dance together but she was already all over some guy who was dancing close to us, so I kept my distance a bit.

Sometimes I feel jealous of how easy it is for my best friend to get out there and just enjoy herself, especially when it comes to guys. When it comes to me, I struggle and struggle but I never seem to succeed.

I had gotten close like that only with one particular person....Charles, but he was not part of my life anymore.

"Stop thinking about him and have some fun!" Camila's words interrupt my thoughts, taking me by surprise. I pretend that I wasn't thinking about him after promising my best friend that I wouldn't, at least for tonight, but she knows me too well.

I force all the thoughts about Charles out of my head, not letting him ruin the night for me and I decide to let loose, just like I planned I would.

After awhile, Cami is no where to be seen, probably making out with that random guy at the back of the club. I check my phone when I realise that I got a new message.

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