5. Her

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                           Arthur's pov

It has been a full week since I last saw her and I already can not stop thinking about her. The thoughts of her refuse to leave my head. During the day her smile is all I think about and during the night the way my hand tangled up through her hair.

The way her waist fit perfectly in my hands, her laugh, her scent....She is driving me crazy.

At first it was fine because I didn't know who she was. She was just a stranger at the bar...a very beautiful one. But now that I know who she is...It is so wrong but somehow at that moment it felt so right.

I'm not stupid. She is...was in love with my brother. Falling for her is out of the question. Besides what would Charles think if he found out I spent a night with Grace? Even though nothing happened between us...

Speaking of the devil...

                          *new message*

hey art, me and the boys are going out
wanna join?
                                                         I'll be there.

I have to get out of here and try to distract myself. I can't spend the rest of my days locked up inside four walls or I might actually go crazy. I lazily put on an outfit and I head for the door.


When I get to the club it takes me awhile to find the boys. After walking around for a bit I finally spot them all sitting at a large table.

Charles next to Pierre, Lando with Daniel and Carlos is at the head of the table. I go to greet them all and then it's my brother's turn. He pulls his hand out for me to shake it but I can't even look him in the eye. Not after what happened last night.

Suddenly the guilt is eating me alive and Charles acting so brotherly towards me doesn't help my situation. We never used to lie to each other, about anything, and now...

"Everything good?" asks Charles with a concerned look on his face.

"Yep, all's well." I reply and turn to his side to sit down. I could tell that Charles wasn't fully convinced with my response but I'm glad he let me be and took his own seat. I'd rather we not talk about it because I don't know if I will be able to keep this huge secret from my older brother.

The other guys pick up something different in the way I'm acting too. I can tell by the way they're looking at me. But I try to ignore it and make conversation instead. Besides, this is not a pity party.

I see a few bottles with drinks in front of me on the table and grab one in order to distract myself and have something to do with my hands except from fidgeting them around anxiously.

Maybe going out tonight wasn't the best idea...not after what happened the last time.

After fighting against my better judgement, I pour myself some whiskey on my glass and drink it while ignoring the looks Charles is giving me. I'm not usually much of a drinker since I know I can't handle alcohol well, but it feels like I really need this in my system right now.

One glass won't kill me right?

"Hey Art you wanna slow down on those drinks?" says Pierre with a soft chuckle. But I'm here to forget everything tonight. Besides, I don't need another brother to scold me.

"Nah, i'm just getting started." and I down the glass in my hand. The taste of whiskey stings my throat, making my head a bit cloudy.

Just what I needed.

"And you just became my favourite Leclerc." shouts Danny doing the same with his drink.

The rest of the night is a big blur. At some point me, Danni and Lando go out to the dance floor together. The music was loud, the lights were dim, I was feeling epic....until I saw her.


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