chapter 71

433 11 4

Hours later

Location: BUA academy

*izuku knocked on the door and ruby opened looking nervous, izuku smiled at her as if nothing was wrong*

Ruby;h..hey bro now's not really a good time

Izuku; I'm guessing kitty cat saw the announcement

*Ruby wince and nodded, izuku nodded and sighed faking his interest*

Izuku:what happened there was just a disgusting behavior. But i know something that will make her feel better can we come in?


*Izuku walked to the side to let ruby see the other woman behind him, ruby looked at the woman who looked like an older version of Blake and instantly connect the dots*

Ruby:oh! Your Blake's mom!!

*Ruby was unintentionally pushed as Blake ran out and hugged her mother crying, Kali hugged back her daughter rubbing her back. While in the background izuku caught ruby and helped her up*

Blake:i...i thought! I'm so glad your ok!

Kali;i know I'm glad your ok too you can thank this boy over there he's the one that saved me

*Blake looked and was surprised that it was izuku smiling bashfully*


Izuku; it's nothing i was visiting old friends and was in the Neighborhood when it happened

Kali: it's not nothing If it wasn't for him i wouldn't be here right now

Blake:explain to us what happened

Izuku;yes but first let's come inside as  former white fang members i know who's a spy and who's not and there's quite a few in this school

*That was a complete lie of course but they had no reason not to believe him after what he did so they all walked inside*

Kali:well your father told me to escape through the window just in case something horrible and my the gods rest his soul he was right as he usually is....was as he usually was

*Blake let a few tears fall while Kali had a sad expression on her face but remained strong*

Kali;i managed to sneak away for a few hours but eventually they found me while i was able to fight off at least 15 of those traitors the last one who was a gorilla faunus had me on the ropes that's when izuku came in


*Kali coughed up blood as she was throwned threw a wall breaking it, her aura was on red from her previous fights, she tried to get up but the gorilla faunus stepped on her chest taking the wind out of her*

Grodd:oh I've wanted to do this for a long time....

*Kali looked at the smiling ape and gave him a bloody spit right to his face*

Kali:then get it over it you monkey

Grodd: monkey?!!

*Grodd raised his arms ready to smash Kali to death when a blur grabbed grodd by his neck and dragged him to the floor. Kali started breathing heavily as she crawled back all the while in the background the only thing that could be heard was the sound of a gorilla and wolf snarling and screaming at each other until only the wolf remain. Kali saw the wolf faunus get on two legs and look at her, his ears were damaged having holes in them thanks to grodd, his piercing green eyes and yellow canine teeth shining in the rising sun*

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