chapter 69

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The next day

*Izuku sucked in the last thing he will need for his little visit to menagerie on his pocket dimension when the door bust open instantly izuku was smothered in a hug from nemuri*

Nemuri:it's not fair pleaseeeeee we can teach you so much!

Izuku:1 Glynda said it best it would be cheating

Nemuri:give 30 minutes and i can convince her otherwise

Glynda:i heard that!

*Glynda screamed from the other room. Izuku chuckled and managed so slip away from nemuri's grasp changing himself for a body pillow*

Izuku:second it's just for a few days I'll be back the day of the vytal festival

Glynda:hey wait!

*Glynda tripped izuku caught her and kissed her cheek*

Izuku;I'll be back before you know it mother

*Izuku said smiling, nemuri looked shocked that izuku called her that it gave izuku the time he needed to walk away*

Glynda:make sure you don't die, i don't think she could handle losing another child

*Izuku stopped walking for a moment from that statement it made his mouth taste sour grapes. Izuku turned around and gave Glynda the best smile he could give*

Izuku:it's just a camping trip for a few days I'll be back before you guys know it

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Izuku:it's just a camping trip for a few days I'll be back before you guys know it

*Izuku got out the door and closed it. The second the door was closed izuku frowned slightly*

Izuku:i need to finish this fast before anymore complications comes in to the plan

*Izuku said turning away from his current problem, getting attached to the goodwitch's family. Izuku grabbed his phone and called Adam while he walked away*


Izuku:coming to the island now should be there by night time. How's our lovely leader?

Adam:getting antsy. More then antsy she's getting suspicious i just killed one of her spies made it look like she slip and fell

Izuku; I'll be there soon then the white fang will be where it's supposed to be in atlas Chao my friend I'll land on your home

*Izuku hung up and looked around, no cámaras or living being in sight. He sighed and closed his eyes*

Izuku:gods i hate this part

*Izuku's eyes shot open as his body started to tremble, he grabbed his arm in pain as it transformed in to a wing, izuku fell to his knees puking up a white liquid as his body was slowly changing by the second. The sound of bones breaking and rearranging as izuku's body got covered in feathers. Finally the white liquid came to life sticking to izuku's face transforming itself in to a bird's skeleton head.  izuku screamed as the white liquid ripped opened his skull to create a face with 5 eyes. The change was complete the scream turned in to a bird call that shook the very forest*

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