chapter 20

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5 minutes later

*Me Roman and neo were running for our lives as we we're being chased by the cartel Roman missed the shot but didn't have 50 grand on him the wife lived by the way so yay, I guess anyway, we made it to the train tracks a train was coming it was our chance to escape *

Jesus: just shoot the bastards!!

*And true to their word they stared shooting neo and Roman made it to the other side of the track as for me I felt a pain in my right but cheek as I fell on the tracks*

Izuku: fuck!!

*As the train was getting closer Roman grabbed me and pulled me to the other side just in time and he carried me to our temporary hideout*

Izuku: impeccable aim my ass!!

Doctor: please don't move

*In the hideout Roman paid a "doctor" to take the bullet out and patch me up i say doctor but it was a veterinarian Roman paid 50 bucks to do it*

Roman: a mistake on my part how was i supposed to know a beach ball would hit me in the head making me miss!

Izuku: all I know now is we are getting that 50 grand i didn't get a bullet in my ass for nothing!

*Both head a whistle they looked and saw neo with a smug smile and the case full of money in her hands somehow, she managed to steal the money under their noses*

Izuku: neo gets 25G for getting it i get the other 25G for the hole in my ass!

Roman: what about me?!

Izuku: you get jack shit since this was, you're fault in the first place i won't be able to sit for a week!

Doctor: a month

Izuku: ah you mother...!!

*Best i stop my letter there it does not get any prettier anyway that's how a got 50 thousand dollars and for a moment had a shiny metal in my ass sorry for my vulgar language but living in the streets you don't exactly learn how to talk with class heh i hope this letter was entertaining for you if you want another story let me now i would also like one of your stories as a pro hero till next we talk grandma

Real world

Izuku: hopefully she'll find it funny and not fucked up

Nora: I found it funny!

Izuku: true but you're not exactly normal my barbarian friend

Nora: true but I love it!

Pyrrha: I'm sure she'll love it now on to the reason I'm here!

Izuku: couldn't muster up the courage to ask ruby out for a date?

*Izuku smirked as Pyrrha blushed and Nora gasped*

Nora: you like ruby!!

Pyrrha: shhh!!!

*Pyrrha glared at Izuku who just chuckled but was confused when he saw Pyrrha smirking*

Pyrrha: ANYWAY, I've been thinking since you don't know how to fight, I'll teach you

Izuku: Eh? Um how about no

Pyrrha: OH, hohohoho Izuku...

*Pyrrha puts her hands on Izuku's shoulders tightly squeezing the life out of them making izuku wince in pain*

Pyrrha: who said I was asking?

Izuku: p... Pyrrha let's be reasonable here i don't need to train I'm not the fighter of the group!

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