chapter 65

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Day of the dance

*Teen love was in the air, that or cheep perfume in izuku's opinion as all people would talk about was about the dance that will happen tonight. We see izuku in Glynda goodwitch's class seeing ruby fight against Nora, both opponents were in red one good punch was all they needed to win, but ruby's speed and Nora's chaotic movements made it difficult for one or the other to win. Izuku sighed bored as he looked to his right see Pyrrha with a black eye, Pyrrha looked at him and scowled making izuku grin*

Izuku:it doesn't look that bad

Pyrrha:if i wasn't going to the dance with ruby tonight i would kill you, you ass

Izuku:i told you to stop eating my vodka ice cream, but did you listen? No, so suffer

*Izuku said as he touched one of Pyrrha's many bruises making her wince and slap his hand away making izuku chuckle*

Izuku:hey at least i reminded rubes to call then off

Pyrrha:they still didn't stopped until ruby made it there

Izuku:gods the amount of money i would've paid to see that

Glynda:and the winner is Nora Valkyrie, ruby you did well but people like Nora are tough to get a read on there movements, now both go to recovery girl to get patched up. Anyone else would want to fight?

*Izuku trembled feeling a chill on his spine he didn't have to look to know Pyrrha was smiling a evil smile at him*

Glynda:yes Pyrrha who would you like to fight?

Scene change

Chiyo:miss nikos really did a number on you

Izuku:i am aware

*Izuku said groaning bedridden as chiyo kissed him and his body started to heal itself*

Chiyo:what did you do to make her so angry? I only saw injuries like this was with yang Xio long when she fought her

Izuku:a prank...that went a little too well

Chiyo:i can see, well rest up and you should be able to go to the dance

Weiss:he better be i already bought the dress

*Izuku turned around and had a small smile seeing Weiss walking inside the room*

Izuku:aw you came to see how I was doing how nice

Weiss:shut it, miss goodwitch asked me to help you to your room

*Weiss helped izuku up and izuku puts her hand over her shoulder. They walked away limping*

Izuku:whatever you say tsundere

Weiss: call me that again and I'll let you fall right here right now

Izuku;alright alright I'll keep my mouth shut. So you already have the dress picked out huh?

Weiss:yup and you better have a tuxedo ready i will not be seen with someone wearing something like a white shirt and jeans

Izuku:relax i have a nice tuxedo all picked out we'll look good. So your exited?

Weiss:yes yang was so distracted with Pyrrha that I was able to make almost everything on the dance

Izuku:so what happened to that fog machine she wanted? accidentally fell from the roof and broke beyond repair

*Izuku laughed at that and held her tighter making a small blush appear on Weiss face*

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