chapter 43

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Last time there no way for you not to do it? As much as i hate him he's still my father and i love him i know it's absolutely selfish of me to ask such a thing but i don't want to lose him....

Izuku:.....some things i can forget other i can't forgive i was alone for a long time ruby long enough where i needed to create a fake mother just to remain sane so i can't tell you what you want to hear i can only hope that when the day comes you can find it in your heart to forgive me...

*Izuku got up and kissed ruby on the forehead*

Izuku:but that's in the future and we live in the now come on sis let's get out of here

*Izuku gave ruby a normal smile as he walked ahead of her ruby took a bit but she followed her brother her conflicted feelinfs just getting worse since her pure and naive heart wants to find a way to save everybody*


*The siblings walked through the passway of izuku's good memories, as izuku touched the oil paintings with a bit of a sad smile as the memories of him and his mother disappeared behind him and the memories of the after appeared*

*Ruby kept glancing at her brother sadly and conflicted she didn't know what to do, what do say she just kept looking at him, she wanted to be closer to him but she also knows she could never let her father die if she can help it as much as she hates him he's still her father*

Ruby "if the roles were reversed would i have turned out like him...?"

Izuku:ha no, no you would not my sister and thank magneto for that i wouldn't wish my life on my worse enemy

*Ruby looked at izuku confused that only caused him to laugh harder*

Izuku:rubes where are we?

Ruby:in your...oh

*Ruby blushed embarrassed while izuku chuckled amused*

Izuku:you got it in my mind aka i can hear everything from the rest of your rescue group fighting my "inner self"


Izuku: they'll be fine don't worry, do your very thoughts If your mother would have disappeared you would have been fine you had your....our aunty and uncle, and your big sister yang as for me? I was alone can you even imagine wait you don't have to

*Izuku moved his hands and a new oil painting appeared with the description "finding a dead mommy"*

Izuku;to not only lose her but see her dead when the night before she was full of life?

*Ruby looked at the painting and raised her hand to touch it and relive the memory*

Izuku: On second thought don't think about it your too pure for that

*Izuku snapped his fingers and the painting disappeared just as ruby was about to touch it making her pout and look it him who just shrugged*

Izuku:trust me you don't want to see that i sure as hell don't want to relive it come on let's go

*Just as izuku said that, he grabbed ruby and pulled her back as toshinori crashed through the wall making izuku nose start to bleed, izuku holds his head chuckling at the headache he just got*

Izuku: uncle can you please be careful this is my mind if something break it fucking hurts

Toshinori:sorry midoriya.... MIDORIYA?! I'VE FOUND YOU!!

*toshinori came running and gave izuku a bear hug, izuku patted toshinori's back as the rest of the rescue squad*


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