chapter 64

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Izuku;why the long face my little kitty?

*Blake flinched and a small frown grew on her face as she concentrated at her book*

Blake:why do you care?

Izuku:well my issues with you aside we're still the same both faunus even if one hides it from the world and her teammates. So want to tell me what's going on in that head of yours?

*Blake didn't do anything for a few moments before sighing deciding she might as well use him to get her feelings out of her chest. Not knowing that she was falling right in to izuku's plan*


Blake:I'm guessing you heard that Pyrrha and ruby are going on a date to the prom

*Izuku snapped her fingers as if he figured out something that was itching him at the back of his head*

Izuku:so that's why Pyrrha wanted me to bring ruby to huh. Don't know how I feel of being her personal delivery boy. So why do you care?

Blake:i....i have feelings for ruby

*Blake looked at izuju furious as he started laughing, he almost fell off his chair he was laughing so much*

Blake:forget it you jerk

*Blake closed her book got up and just as she was getting away izuku grabbed her wrist*

Izuku:ok ok. I'm sorry i shouldn't have laughed come on sit down, who else are you gonna tell this too?

*Blake huffed and puffed but ultimately sat back down with her arm crossed izuku cleaned a tear that escaped his eye and looked at Blake with a smile his body moving a little as he was controlling his giggles*

Blake:your still a jerk for laughing

Izuku:never claimed to be anything less. But what do you expect me to do? Not to laugh? A human and a faunus together? You realize how insane that sounds?

Blake:what about Weiss?

Izuku:what about her?

*Izuku said dismissively looking almost completely disinterested in the topic of Weiss schnee*

izuku:Sure she's an entertaining distraction but she's still a schnee, the crimes they've done to our people can't be forgotten or forgiven this is a case that the sins of the father do apply and they apply hard

*Blake looked at izuku with anger and disgust as she softly but firmly slammed her fist on the table*

Blake;so your using her? You do realize she's my partner? What's to stop me from telling her this?

*Izuku leaned back from his seat and looked at the ceiling a slow smile appearing on his face as he spoke again*

Izuku:go ahead I'm not gonna stop you but answer me this, can you live with yourself if you do? That's a lot of blood on your hands even more then mine and that's saying something

Blake:what are you talking about what blood?

*Izuku sat back up right and looked at Blake his smile looking more genuine and a lot more sad in Blake's eyes*

Izuku:you know i love sienna, truly i do but my love for our people come first. And the schnee's have so many of our people in slaved, to work till they die without a penny, now tell me your a smart girl why do you think I'm here and not with sienna?

*Blake thought about it for a few moments before she squinted her eyes at izuku who smiled as she got his line of thinking*

Blake:....that's a long play a lot of things can go wrong

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