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"Isabelle! Can you tell me why Lestrange is staring at you?" Alice said to me in a hushed tone at breakfast, I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned around to see if Lucifer was staring at me or not, he was, but quickly looked away. What's going on with him?

I turned back to Alice just to see her smirking at me, oh no she was getting the wrong idea of this wasn't she? I glared at her as I continued to play with my scrambled eggs, not having the appetite to eat anything.

It was the end of October, the weather was freezing, Halloween was coming, my least favourite time of the year. It was not like I was scared of horror stuff or anything, but at this time of the year, the Malfoy manor was always so gloomy and dull and the Dark lord was always over to discuss Death eater meetings, so I never got to do anything at Halloween but just sit in my room and read books. Haha, Amazing life, cheers.

"You can't deny that Lestrange is quite cute Belle, I mean, just look at him! I think he fancies you" Alice hinted, wiggling her eyebrows at me, while I choked on my pumpkin juice and started to cough violently. Lily looked at me worriedly as she handed me a goblet of water while I took it quickly and gulped it, many of the students looked at me to see what was going on. I could see Alice stifling her laugh seeing my reaction, I death glared at her as I sighed. Lucifer?! Fancying me?! Fat chance. Alice is so delusional.

I rolled my eyes and looked at her in disbelief, "Alice, you're getting delusional, there's no way that prick is gonna fancy me, he bullies me whenever he gets a chance! And Alice, since when did you started to like slimy snakes?" I hissed, not wanting to attract more attention towards me, while Alice's face flushed red but she rolled her eyes at me. Lily looked at both of us shaking her head while a slight smirk was playing on her lips.

 I stood up, clearly annoyed by Alice, as I was gonna walk away, I bumped into Urquhart who was practically standing in front of me with his corners of mouth quirking up, it seemed like he was waiting for me to stand up and bump into him. I basically got a heart attack after seeing him, he was standing dangerously close to me at the moment which made my heartbeat fasten. I stumbled back, regaining my balance as I scowled at him. He smiled at me innocently. Merlin.

"Merlin Urquhart, you scared the hell out of me. What d'you want?" I said, narrowing my eyes at him while scoffing, which made him purse his lips in amusement. I crossed my arms at him, waiting for a retort from him.

"My, my Blondie, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today" He said, putting his hand on his chest dramatically as he smirked at me, I rolled my eyebrows at him as my mouth curved into a playful smile. He always knows how to make me smile. I hit his arm playfully, I could feel some jealous and envious glares on me by some girls but I could care less. I walked past him, as he yelled "Oi!" at me and followed me. Little did I know, the jealousy filled glares I was getting wasn't only from his fangirls, but also from two certain people who I knew quite well..

After a little bit of chit-chat with Urquhart, We both parted our ways to our classrooms, we both smiling like the idiots we are.

I was right now walking to my History of magic class, despite the fact that everyone in the castle thought it to be one of the most lame subjects, I absolutely loved it. Professor Binns was quite shocked and appalled when I was the only student who payed attention and asked him questions in his 500 years of teaching. He said to me, as I quote, 'This is the first time someone has showed respect to me in my centuries of teaching here, Miss Malfoy, You're quite...strange.' It was quite hilarious too see him shocked in my opinion.

As I walked into the class, it was quite deserted, only some of the Hufflepuffs were present there, who immediately gave me spiteful glares. Weren't Hufflepuffs supposed to be nice? Are they possessed by Slytherin or something?

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