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We all were right now walking to the Common room in search of Lily and James, They skipped all of their classes, even lunch. We were now really worried for them, especially me and Remus, while Sirius was as usual making petty jokes and when no one laughed at them, he laughed himself while Peter looked at him disapprovingly.

As we reached the Portrait, Remus muttered the Password and we all quickly went to Sirius's dorm, As I tried to open the door, the door was locked, God what were they two doing in there? I hope Lily didn't murder James.

I looked at Remus anxiously, and I muttered a lock-breaking spell non-verbally and the door flew open. As we all went in there, we saw what we absolutely didn't expect to see, Lily and James were sleeping peacefully on Sirius's bed. My eyes widened in shock, While Sirius, Remus and Peter's mouth flew open in surprise. A cheeky smile appeared on Sirius's face, oh no he is gonna tease James his whole life for this. I chuckled as I looked at them. James was snoring as Lily was sleeping while hugging him. As Sirius went up to wake them, I stopped him as I looked at the two in amusement, An epic idea coming in my mind.

"Wait Sirius, I have an excellent idea, I think we should make a video of them sleeping, from the camera Remus gifted me last year." I grinned at all of them, As Sirius exclaimed that it is an excellent idea. Remus just smirked at us, As I mischievously looked at him.

"Accio Camera" I whispered, after a few minutes, a Camera came flying in the room, and perfectly right into my hands.

"Now who wants to make the video?" I said smiling, Remus just shook his head as a sign saying "not me", while Sirius was like just jumping like a child, I silently laughed at him,trying to not wake up the 'couples' in-front of me. I gave my camera to Sirius who excitedly went close to the bed and started the video. He dramatically fixed his hair and cleared his throat,

"Hello future kid of James Potter and Lily Evans, This is a video we're making for you to watch of your lovely parents, we are here with Aunt Isa, Uncle Remus and Uncle Peter and your favourite Uncle that is me, Sirius!" Sirius exclaimed, while winking in the camera, I rolled my eyes and went near the camera.

"We're twelve, Sirius, you cannot become an uncle right now, And I hate to break it to you, but I will be the Favourite Godmother of the child. Oh I hope it's a girl!" I said my eyes shining with hope, As I giggled, Sirius just looked at me for a few seconds and rolled his eyes.

"Oh please everyone here, well the baby and I know that obviously I will become the most handsome and bestest Godfather there will ever be right, little James?" He said to the camera, smiling at the camera innocently. I scoffed, he already has decided the baby's gender? Merlin's pants. I giggled as I took the camera from him which made him whine. I rolled my eyes at him as I smiled in the camera as I directed it to James and Lily, who were cuddling.

"Okay, little Lily or James, these are your parents sleeping peacefully after making all of us Sleep-deprived. See how innocently they're sleeping, I can't believe this is the Lily who was threatening to kill James in the morning." I whispered softly, looking at the adorable scenario in-front of me, I heard Remus chuckle me.

"It's my turn now Belle," Remus said smiling faintly, he took the camera from me as he continued recording them sleeping, "Hello Baby Potter, this is Remus Lupin, Your father yesterday confessed to your mother in front of all of the students and Professors, while your mother went berserk in the morning and locked herself and your Father in Sirius's dorm, Belle was gonna plan James's funeral but unbelievably, they both are sleeping like they have been dating for years." As Remus finished his rant, Sirius and I laughed hard while Peter giggled.

"Oh wow, Little James is so lucky to have us as Uncles" He said, smirking teasingly at me, I rolled my eyes him. He knew how to make me annoyed.

"Little Lily" I corrected him sharply, while he just dramatically rolled his eyes, I continued, "And, Little Lily is so un-lucky to have you as her uncle." As we both bickered about who will be the better Uncle and Aunt, Peter sneakily went to Remus and took the Camera from him and recorded us secretly,

"Hello little Potter, Do show this video to their kids, They will love it" Peter whispered, gesturing to me and Sirius, As Remus laughed loudly, making Lily and James wake up.

 Their eyes jolted open, as Sirius and I stood there like statues. Peter silently stood up and stopped the recording and went to his dorm while Remus just stood there, waiting for both of them to say something. Sirius suddenly smirked at them, exchanging glances with me and Remus, as we both also smirked at the dumbfounded couples infront of us.

"Well Lils, weren't you gonna kill James in the morning? what happened to that?" I said, stifling my laugh as Lily turned red and made some distance between her and James. James cleared his throat as he groggily rubbed his eyes, causing all of us to look at him,

"Well, um Lily and I had a agreement-"

"It was a threat Potter" Lily cut in.

"-same thing Lily-flower, well as I was saying we had an agreement that I wouldn't pull a stunt like this ever again, otherwise I would get jinxed" He said smiling sweetly at Lily, who just nodded. Remus raised his eyebrows,

"Then how did you fell asleep while doing an agreement and ended up cuddling with each-other?" Remus said simply, which made Lily turn into a dark shade of beetroot-red as she just stood up from the bed and bolted to the door and ran away. We all chuckled, except James, who was processing something.

"wait- so you're saying- that we were cuddling?!" He exclaimed, he looked so happy, I laughed at him.

"Yes you were but how exactly did you fall asleep together?" Sirius asked, wiggling his eyebrows. But James paid him no mind as he was looking like he had achieved something big, he laid on his bed with a dreamy expression on his face. Remus sighed while shaking his head.

"He won't be listening to anyone right now, he's too busy in his Disney imaginary world, I reckon we should just go to dinner." He said, massaging his temples, I laughed while Sirius frowned.

"okay Rem, but what is Disney?" Sirius said, befuddled by this new word he discovered. Since I read many muggle books, I knew what was Disney but Sirius wasn't a fan of Muggle books nor he knew any so he simply didn't know. Remus looked at him with amusement.

"I'll tell you on our way to the hall mate"

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