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"What a surprise Persephone, What brings you here" There he was, his ocean blue eyes staring into my icy blue ones. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I could ask you the same thing Lestrange" I said in a low voice, he smirked again. 

"I was here to write a letter to mother" He said gazing at the parliament of owls in-front of us. I scoffed at him.

"Then what were you talking to Malcolm about? Wait, let me guess, Maybe to poison Sirius with the Draught of living dead? You do know that you will be thrown into Azkaban if you even try something like this" I said, scowling at him. He laughed, he, for merlin's sake laughed! I looked at him incredulously.

"Why do you care about me poisoning him? I thought that you didn't fancy him or d'you? And anyways if I get thrown into Azkaban why are you concerned? Oh you care for me now Persephone don't you?" He said smirking smugly, My cheeks heated up, Why do I feel so strange when he's around me? I rolled my eyes at him as I went inside the Owlery, which made him follow me inside too.

"Shut it Lestrange, I don't fancy anyone" I grumbled, I continued, "Also I would rather fancy a Dementor than you" I said flatly, smirking slightly as I saw his face drop from the corner of my eye, but soon he regained his cocky self as he dramatically put his hand on his chest.

"Oh that broke my heart Persephone" he said in a raspy voice, I chuckled at him as he had his hand on the right of his chest, I walked towards him as I correctly put his hand on his heart, on the left.

"The heart's slightly on the left actually Lestrange, you would know if you didn't just bullied people around all day rather than read something" I said in a matter-of-fact voice, making him chuckle, I diverted my gaze to the owls in the Owlery as I bent down to their level while one of them flew on my shoulders, I giggled.

I could see Lucifer smiling at me as I looked at him, smirking playfully.

"Enjoying the view are you Lestrange?" I said, now gazing at the owls while smiling mischievously, I heard him clear his throat as he scoffed,

"Absolutely I am, The Owls are quite the delight to look at" He said in a playful voice, as I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled, I gently stood up, as the owl was still on my shoulder, I dusted off the imaginary dirt on me as the owl flew away chirping cheerfully. I looked up to him, who was already looking at me with his intense gaze.

Our eyes were locked with each other almost automatically, his oceanic eyes melting me while my icy baby blue eyes pierced through him. It felt like I had been staring in those eyes all my life, although it might have been just like 5 minutes, It felt like I was safe when around him, I felt like I wanted to be with him all the time. But something struck my mind, no, I didn't like him, he was a death eater's son! he bullied people for fun, he was just trying to play with me and my mind. I quickly broke our eye-contact as I strutted out of the Owlery, brushing my arm with his while leaving, as I left him there, all alone.

I ran, I didn't know why, but I felt like running from everything, from this universe. I just wanted to disappear. I felt breathless as I stopped, panting heavily, as I looked up to see where even I am, I had surprisingly reached the end of forbidden forest. So I've been running from the West tower to here? Holy shit, that was fast. I felt trees rustling from behind as I quickly turned around to see a wild looking Centaur. As I widened my eyes in surprise. It was one of my Friend.

"Oh Bane, I haven't seen you since last December, My deepest apologies for trespassing your forest, I accidentally came here" I said in a apologetic voice, bowing to him. I met Bane in my First year when I was thrown into the Forest by some bullies, Bane didn't harm me in any way as he looked quite pleased  to see me. Least to say, I was in speaking terms with the Centaurs, they didn't have a problem with me and neither did I. Bane smiled at me calmly.

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