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"Tomorrow morning?! but mother-"no questions Isabelle, tell your brother about the plan for tomorrow and Gwen will accompany you upstairs" I looked at her in disbelief as my mother interjected while I was speaking , but I remained in my straight posture and gestured 'Gwen' to follow me , and in return she just sneered at me. Rude.

I rolled my eyes as I now turned my back to them, I glanced back to see if Gwen was following me or not, expectedly, she was but was looking ashamed of herself. What is her problem?

"Ugh another prejudiced prat" I mumbled under my breath, not loud enough for Gwen to hear. but she did hear the mumbling as she asked

"What?" she said in a irritated voice. I just stared at her innocently.

"Huh? I didn't say anything" I said with a non-committal shrug. She scrunched her nose in a old lady like fashion.

"Don't think if I'm just a year smaller than you that I'm a dork, blood traitor I know how you traitors manipulate pure-bloods" she said nastily. I raised my eyebrows. Oh so she's a first year.

"Really? you're sounding like a 7 year old brat who is just so obnoxious to even notice anybody else other than themselves, just saying though, don't take it to your petty little heart and anyways who listens to a 'blood traitor" I said , smirking when I saw her face drop.

"you filthy traitor" she shouted in a high-pitched voice. I snickered to myself as I knocked on Lucius's chest-nut door.

As expected , Lucius opened the door, a sneer appeared on his face when he saw me, but it quickly changed to a flirty one when he saw Gwen. I looked at him, scoffing at his 12 year old awful flirting, Sirius was better , I blushed at what I was thinking but quickly got out of it and resumed with my bored and blank expression.

As I was about tell him to pack his suitcases, he spoke over me, and looked at Gwen " hello there, you must be Gwen, you look good for your age you know? pure-blood too.." as he winked at her and was about to say something even more disgusting, when I gagged at him and Gwen, who was blushing now. 

"Enough with your awful flirting Lucius, I came her to tell you to- "Pack your suitcases? yeah I already know that I have mind unlike you traitor , Dark lord is going to stay here for the rest of the summer you would have known if you weren't in your little book hole" he said, disgustedly, I grew angry as he spoke over me the 2nd time, I was about to retort back but Lucius said "come in Gwen , we should stay away from blood traitors , they can infect us with their filthiness." he said, sneering at me but then turning to Gwen with a smirk , which made Gwen blush even more than she was blushing before. Oh lord someone get me out of here.

I gave him a death stare and spun around elegantly and was gonna go to my room, but my eyes widened when I remembered something.

"Crap , Sirius James!" I almost shouted and was gonna run downstairs but had to keep up with the act so, I silently strutted downstairs and quickly got to the library and went to the table I had told them to hide behind.

"Sirius? James.." I said slowly and anxiously , suddenly I heard a loud creak near the other end of the library.

"Oi James , I think Isa is back!" an excited voice said which obviously was of Sirius , I chuckled in relief as they both jumped up from under the big table.

"Bloody hell Isa , you took so much time James started to brag about "lily flower" and her undying love for him" Sirius said , walking up to me, while James followed him looking at him in disbelief.

"Hey! I didn't brag about it I was just saying that lily-bud might be thinking of me right now!" he said in defence , Sirius and I laughed at him and how he named lily, 'lily-bud'. 

"You guys should go back, it's not safe here-" "rubbish belle , we both were bored and Marlene was annoying me by her make-up talks, she's mental, that one" James said, frowning . I giggled at him.

"No but seriously" I said , now lowering my voice a little, making eye-contact with both of them, "Voldemort is here too"

James flinched at the mention of the name but Sirius remained neutral as he also said his real name often.

"You-know-who is here!? what is he doing here?" James said in dis-belief. 

"probably looking for a nose" Sirius snorted , followed by James and me.

"oh good one, siri" i grinned as he scrunched his nose at me annoyed by the new nickname I gave him.

"Oh yes Siri, Marlene was talking about you all summer mate, looks like someone's having a crush on our little Siri" James cooed while saying, my stomach lurched , I felt little disgruntled by the fact that Marlene was crushing on Sirius because merlin knows why.

Sirius looked at me, as much like he was waiting for a response from me. I avoided his eyes and tried to change the topic.

"You guys should go , it's gonna be dark soon, Mrs potter must be worried for you James, and don't come again I'm telling you both, I would be sadly staying at the 'filthy' Greengrass manor for this whole summer, I'll write to both of you though , I might even visit you if allowed by Mrs Greengrass I'll try" I said , sighing. James looked at me pitiably while Sirius looked at me pensively as he knew how it felt to be in that situation.

" Yeah she's right , well then we might crash in Greengrass's manor after 1 week , probably me, mother was talking about something of a meeting at the manor" Sirius said, picking his broom up.

"eh? well I'll get my invisibility cloak, we'll get going now though, belle say love from James when lily-flower sends you a letter, she will get fluttered" he said, dramatically holding his hands.

I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

"okay I will, surely" I said sarcastically "Be safe both of you"

Sirius winked at me "I will"

My cheeks grew red, as James smirked looked like as he knew something.

As they flew Sirius shouted "SLYTHERIN SUCKS"

I giggled at both of them as I sat down on the chair looking at them in the sky,  fading more every moment like the twinkling stars above...

A/N: Hola riddles! So this lovely picture of Isabelle was made by @slytherdor on pinterest! it's really pretty thanks!

𝕃𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕞𝕖 𝕕𝕠 | 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝔼𝕣𝕒 |✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ