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 We finally had arrived to Hogwarts, and apparently, the bickering of James and Lily was stopped due to some unknown reason and we all got off the Hogwarts express and headed to Hagrid, who was right now introducing him to the First years and was ordering them to sit in the boats. I was the first one to reach him as he noticed me he had a wide smile appear on his face as I grinned at him,

"Hey hagrid! how was your summer?" I asked, me and Hagrid were practically bestfriends, I knew his love for unique creatures and admired him for it, and he didn't judge me for being a Malfoy. We had a great bond. Hagrid let out a sigh,

"Eh well yer know, tough' wid tha gian's an all, how wos urs elle?" He said with his thick accent, I just smiled at him, as all of my friends came behind me while Sirius put his hand on my shoulder casually, I swear I felt my heartbeat fasten.

"Oh it was complete hell, thank god these two came in once in a while" I said with a small smile tugging on my lips, gesturing to James and Sirius who just grinned back at me. Hagrid chuckled.

"wel' tas good elle! i ave my duty now I vill seh yoh lot lateh eh?" he said, bidding us goodbye and making his way to the first years. I just looked ahead of myself, embracing the new start of this year, something tells me this is gonna be as peaceful as my previous year. Oh wait, my previous year was horrible. I'm doomed.

As we went in the Great hall for the Sorting ceremony of the First years, We sat there waiting for the newbies to get sorted in their respective houses, I saw Gwen getting sorted into Slytherin and smugly walking up to the table and was gonna sit beside Lucius, but Lucius glared at her and reluctantly, Nacrissa sat there. Gwen's face was looking priceless, it looked like someone just had punched her on the face, she quickly scoffed at him and went to sit with another 1st year Slytherin and started flirting with him. 

I looked at the scenario with amusement, as the Sorting ceremony ended, Dumbledore started with his long and dull speech, I was just waiting for it to end when someone nudged me in the ribs as I looked at the person, it was Sirius. He had his mischievous grin on while he came near my ear as whispered, his hot breath making me have goosebumps on my skin,

"Isa, wait till you see what James has done this time to impress Lily-buds" Sirius whispered, amusement clear in his voice. As I looked at him in a questioning way, there was a large 'ahem' heard in the Great hall. I looked at the owner of the voice, who was nowhere to be seen for the moment and it clicked, James wasn't present on the table, It was his voice. As I stifled my laugh, I looked at Sirius, who was looking like he's gonna burst laughing any second. Oh this will be so amusing.

Everyone in the Great Hall were skeptically looking for the owner of the voice, even Professers! But Dumbledore was standing there, his eyes twinkling. There was an echo of the voice again as we heard someone sneeze, Oh it was definitely James, He sneezes like a baby.

"Oh Merlin My bad, Okay well the reason I've gathered you all here today is because of one certain special person, I have a confession and Dumbles and Minnie don't expel me for this but" I felt James voice laced with nervousness and excitement while I saw Minnie and Dumbledore hear the announcement in amusement. There was 2 minutes of silence and I felt myself getting impatient and I accidentally yelled in annoyance,

"Oh for Merlin's sake, Get on with it!" I yelled, as I realised that I had just shouted in the Great hall, I turned red, there was a chain of chortles and snickering after my comment as I could already imagine James death glaring at me from, well wherever he was.

"Ahem okay, Have some patience Isa" He said, with a mocking accent, which made, the whole hall go silent while Sirius, Remus and peter were snickering quietly.

"Will you get on with your confession, Mr Potter?" Dumbledore's booming voice said, making everyone go in a strange silence again as we heard the speaker take a deep breath,

"Will you be my girlfriend, Lily-flower?" James blurted out, and just like that, the whole hall turned to Lily with amusement in their eyes, expecting a retort from her, while Lily was looking li as red as her hair from embarrassment or anger no one knows to this day, and silently ran away from the hall, She was looking quite enraged, I snorted. Guess I have to prepare for James funeral.

We heard many disappointed sighs as everyone in the Great hall, as usual, burst into chatters and gossiping. I was just kind of waiting for James to show up, He would be so grumpy I swear.

"Enough" Dumbledores voice silenced the chatters almost magically as he continued, "Mr.Potter would you care to join us now and don't be invisible?" He said, and just like that, James came out from under the table from the other end of the Gryffindor table, looking grim. Wait, he must be in his invisible cloak! why didn't I think of that.

I shook my head at him as he silently came to his seat beside Sirius as Sirus patted his back with a expression saying "Good job mate, too bad you failed". I scoffed at Sirius.

"James, just don't make me prepare for your funeral till tomorrow because you have crossed Lily's limits, and you know what happens when she gets angry don't you now?" I said, raising my eyebrows at him, while Remus agreed with me while Peter and Sirius just chuckled. James however went pale, because he exactly knew what Lily was like when she was angry.


"JAMES FREAKING FLEAMONT POTTER, COME OUT RIGHT NOW" Lily's voice roared from downstairs, while we all were trying to hide James from Lily in Sirius's dorm when we heard her yelling from the common room as we all froze, including Peter's pet, Nibbles stopped cart-wheeling in his cage. James gulped. As we all became hysterical and were trying to make him jump from the window near Sirius's bed. 

"I WILL NOT REPEAT WHAT I SAID, I'M COMING TO YOUR DORM RIGHT NOW" We all went silent, when Lily's voice boomed in the Gryffindor common room and we heard footsteps near us. James panicked,

"Oh Belle, think something fast or this is gonna be a death of me." He pleaded, while looking at our dorm's room, expecting Lily to come barging in the dorm. I sighed while looking at all of them.

It was our second day in Hogwarts, and well, least to say, I couldn't get any sleep this morning because of the whining of James. Everyone in the room was looking sleep-deprived except James, how did he not get tired? As I thought of something, We heard a knock on the door. And well, it was the least thing to make James go berserk again. We all were panicking as I shouted a silencing spell in the room, resulting in a comfortable silence in the room, As I gulped and went to open the door, before anyone tried to stop me, I rapidly opened it, seeing a smug Marlene in front of me, but after seeing me, it turned into a scowl.

"YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN SIRIUS'S DORM, YOU FREAK!" she shrieked, while everyone in the dorm sighed in relief but shot her annoyed glares after that.

Oh well.

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