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We all were right now settled in our compartment but still, there was no sign of 'lily-flower' or Sirius in the Gryffindor compartments, where have they gone? I was a bit worried about Sirius though, what if Marlene poisons him or makes him drink a love potion while they're alone? Holy shit, I shouldn't be pessimistic. Oh how I would love to strangle Marlene though.

I wasn't quite worried about Lily though, as she probably was hiding away from James in the Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw compartments, But James was practically going berserk about Lily, it was honestly quite hilarious for me, Remus and Peter but still we had to comfort our 'troubled' friend.

As James was tapping his foot impatiently while looking for any sign of lily, Suddenly we all heard a loud crash in one of the compartments near us, we all exchanged confused glances as we headed out to look what caused the crash. A lot of smoke surrounded the compartment and two people emerged out of the compartment, covered in smoke and fine dust. As I tried to recognize the 2 people, someone from the other side of the train yelled "Lucifer!" and I suddenly recognized him, oh so that's what he was smirking about, God what was he even planning. As I looked at the other person, who was slightly coughing from the smoke surrounding him, it hit me, It was Sirius!

What were they two doing in there? oh merlin did they duel? holy shit. I stared at both of them in disbelief, as they both looked at me with un-recognizable looks. I heard someone curse from the compartment beside ours and I looked up to saw a disgruntled Lily, As she was gonna silently tip-toe to another compartment before getting noticed by James, James noticed her and his eyes lit up and he yelled,

"LILY-FLOWER, OH LILY-BUD I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE" James sang, while going towards Lily, while she froze on spot and mentally cursed herself. Me and Remus looked at both of them in amusement as Lily tried to get away from him while James was trying to flirt with her. It was quite a hilarious scenario to see.

"Isa?" A voice in-front of me said, I saw Sirius, with a small smile, and behind him was Lucifer with a sneer on his face, they both were still covered in dirt and dust. Remus shot both of them  a questioning look while I asked him with a voice laced with worry,

"What happened in there Sirius? Have you two been duelling?" I said looking for any sign of bruises on Sirius, as he chuckled at me and shook his head while Lucifer just smirked and walked away. Rude.

"We just got into a little bit of fight, that's all and he shouted a god-knows-which spell which resulted in this mess I'm covered in right now Isa, you needn't worry" Sirius said while winking at me, I felt myself getting red and I masked it with a chuckle. Remus looked at both of us, while smirking, and let me tell you, Remus never smirks.

"Well then, let's just get into our compartment, James will not be accompanying us in our ride now, I'm afraid he's too busy in his Lily-bud" Remus said, jokingly, I giggled while Sirius pouted. As we all sat, we almost had forgotten Peter was there as he was just sitting there quietly, playing with his pet hamster who he had named Nibbles because he always nibbles on his fingers.Sometimes I think how did Peter even get in this group?

As we all sat there, with 5 minutes of a comfortable silence, I cleared my throat to say something as the three of them looked at me,

"Sirius where's Marlene? I thought she was not gonna leave you forever, she's been quite possessive of you too" I said in a joking manner, with a hint of, envy in my voice, Remus raised his eyebrows at me but Sirius just let out a exasperated sigh while massaging his temples.

"God she's such a bore, I swear to merlin that I can't last with her boring gossips for like 2 bloody seconds, I just made an excuse of using the restroom and left her there, but I bumped into Lucifer on my way and we duelled, and this mess happened. he looked quite angry too" He ranted, with a frown appearing on his face. I sighed in relief mentally, now I wasn't jealous or anything but I just didn't like Sirius being around Marlene. Remus chortled at his rant.

"Marlene's really taken a liking of you mate, she absolutely hates me and James although we didn't even do anything. Anyways we should change into our robes now, I don't think James will be coming here anytime soon" Sirius snorted at Remus's comment as I just shook my head and headed out to the washroom for changing, on my way, I found some 4th years snogging in one of the restrooms like their life depended on it, and I looked at them with pure disgust which they noticed and scowled at me and continued eating their faces off. Ew.

As I came back from changing into my robes, I saw Marlene storming my way with a malicious glare on her face. This is gonna be interesting, I smirked as She stopped, just  a little inches away from me.

"You just need to steal everyone's peace now don't you, Malfoy? Just so tired from your worthless life? I swear if you come between me and Siri again, I will kill you" She said, sneering at me with her eyes glaring daggers at me. I stifled my laugh at seeing her like this. Who did she think she was? some powerful and evil queen? Well, It's time to prove her wrong.

I non-verbally used a spell and made her stumble backwards, which made her dumbfounded. I smiled a sickeningly sweet smile and said,

"First of all, learn some manners, Mckinnon, and second, take a look at your life, all you do is snog some douchebag and dump him the next day, so productive isn't it Mckinnon?" I said, now taking some steps near her, while smiling, I continued, " Lastly, I never got between you and Sirius, It's just you being delusional again, Marlene. sod off" I said plainly.

 As I heard her furious cursing filled with fury, I just smirked and went back to my compartment, passing her casually. the compartment was for now currently filled with the bickering of James and Lily, well mostly James, who was trying to talk to Lily ad Lily was just death glaring at him and shortly replying to him. I saw both of them with amusement as I looked at Sirius with the same look as me, and Remus and Peter holding their head, tired of their bickering.

"Ahem, what is happening here Ms Evans and Mr Potter" I said, with a mocking accent, As they all turned to look at me standing in between the compartments door, smiling at them. Lily's eyes lit up as she saw me and said,

"Belle! finally where in the Godric were you!"

The compartment got filled with warm greetings and hugs and the constant pleading of James to Lily to talk to him to which she simply replied with a no. I laughed at them. I love my friends.

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