| CHAPTER 51 |

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Jackson was wincing in pain

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Jackson was wincing in pain ...while sitting on the couch ...

His back was paining like he was drilled .... technically it was not wrong ...

He was drilled ...by your brother ...with his elbows 

Min Yoongi, literally showed no mercy on your poor best friend ...

Jackson was held in a deadly headlock, by your brother ...but that's not it .... Jackson's back also experienced some piercing punches from the almighty Min Yoongi's elbows 

Punches from fist are still, tolerable at some point...but punched from elbows. Well ...they are dangerous ...so dangerous that you can't even sleep on your back for some days...

Jackson was well aware of the fact that Yoongi is protective of his sister ...it was nothing new for him, Yoongi has always been protective over you .... The only difference is that .... years ago...you didn't know that your brother was protective, but now.... even you acknowledge the fact that Min Yoongi loves to protect his sister ....

Jackson was massaging his back slowly while glaring at your brother's back; who was busy making brunch for you guys...

"Fucking undertaker" He cursed under his breath...as he can't afford your brother to listen him insulting ...

Yoongi turned his head and smirked looking at the wincing figure of Jackson ...

"Is it hurting?" with innocence dripping from his eyes, Yoongi asked Jackson still smirking playfully ...

"Yes!" Jackson didn't deny, in hopes maybe your brother was really caring for him ....

"Okay..." Yoongi shrugged

But his jaw dropped on floor when Yoongi turned around again and continued working ...



he got startled when he saw Yoongi again looking at him...looks like he spoke out loud ...


Jackson stammered and continued trying to get relief from the pain in his back ......he was sure his back was not going to heal like this he needed an ointment for it...

"Hyung give an ointment otherwise I am suing you for child abuse!"

Jackson yelled from behind, Yoongi scoffed and took out the ointment from the kitchen drawer and threw it on his head...


Jackson wang is drama bitch, when the small ointment tube collided with his head ...he groaned in pain dramatically ...but unfortunately, he got no attention from Yoongi...

He continued making fake painful voice until his phone rang...

When 'Mark' flashed on his phone, he stopped moving right away.

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