| CHAPTER 23 |

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"Proceedings can start" the loud commanding voice of judge ranged in the silenced courtroom

"Greetings to my lord...today the defense will like go first" Namjoon said coming up forwards 

and you on the other hand were quite nervous for today's hearing 

fist your best friend and your colleague was not by your side

second you were not really in a stable headspace for work

but looks like Namjoon got that chance of your slow speed and he is sprinting today

"From the very first day sir...from my defense this case was open and shut ....and today I would like to prove my statement " Namjoon said and proceeded to forward some paper to the judge 

jukyung sitting at the back smirked a little while Mr. Byun got nervous 

"These are the medical history of Byun baekho  when he was alive..."

you raised your eyebrows in surprise at the revealing 

'Medical history...?'

"It clearly depicts that Byun baekho was the long-time patient of PTSD ....and was taking treatment from doctor choi without telling his family ..." Namjoon concluded his statement and looked over you with a meaningful expression 

"This means he was a suffering from anxiety...or we can say stress of earning money...."

"Please clear your point Mr. Kim" the judge intervened before you can say anything 

"This is clear that Byun baekho was desperate to earn money......from which he got stressed and maybe suicided ..."

"OBJECTION MY LORD!" you stood up abruptly and Namjoon chuckled 


you sat down defeated when judge didn't allow you to object

"Mr. Kim don't derive anything on assumption..." the judge warmed Namjoon and Namjoon looked over him and shook his head side to side indicating NO 

"Oh no my lord I got witness today" you again got surprised 

only God know what Namjoon is planning today

"I object my lord this is side tracking the case "

"Miss min I would like to see his witness, and this is the last warning to you before I charge you of contempt of court " judged warned you

"Please proceed Mr. Namjoon" Namjoon nodded and called the person inside 

"I would like to call Mr. choi Minho the assigned therapist of Byun baekho"

you were left stunned 

'What the hell!'

within seconds a man around 30s entered the courtroom 

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