| CHAPTER 46 |

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"Y/N? .... what are you doing here?"  

12 Am in the night you were studying for your exam tomorrow ....in the college library ...

your nose was buried in that criminal Law book and your spectacles were hinging on your nose ......the only source of light in that library was ...from your study lamp ...

"Hyuk Sir?" you whispered and frowned at the voice ...because you can't see him yet

"Sir? .... uh I can't see you..." you spoke in a silent voice and smile sheepishly

within a few seconds Mr. Kim Soo-Hyuk sir ...were in your sight of your white light-ed lamp

He playfully glared at you and crossed his hands across his chest ...

"You have exam tomorrow ...what are you doing this late?"  


He sighed heavily and sat beside you ...closing your book completely


"No! .... there is no need for that..." 

"But why?" your whined and facepalmed .... your face removing your spectacles...

"Don't be this scared from the exam......You will ace it ...I guarantee you..." 

he breathed and puffed his chest ...patting it proudly 

You laughed loudly ...you soft laugh was grazing the empty library ... his puffed chest and over-puffed cheeks made you laugh more ....

He was literally looking like a man-child with his grey hairs 

You can't express it in words like ...how much you adore this old teacher of yours......you father was always your first support system ...until you came to this university ......

Mr. Kim became your second support system and also your personal Laughing mate, mentor 

"Sir....it's not that easy to beat your son in grades ..." you mocked and tried to find any reaction of pride or over-confidence .... instead ...he just chuckled softly

"Y/N sweety, if you analyze deeply .... It's not that difficult too..."

you scrunched your eyebrows .... He sighed and took a paper and pencil ...

"My Son is not a genius .... he is just a good strategist..."  

first time in your life ...you met this kind father...who is not so over-confident about his son ...he praises ...but he criticizes too ...

"Like you, he also leaves questions in the exam......"

"I don't think so ..." you balanced your face on your palm and watched him draw something 

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