A Dinner With Nadakhan

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The NGTV helicopter flies to Djingago and Gayle soon started to speak. "Ninjago News Air Traffic control, Gayle Gossip with breaking news. For weeks, everyone has been stumped as to why prime real estate of Ninjago has simply vanished into thin air. Well, consider the mystery solved. They are in thin air. Directly above us are the missing remains. I'm staring at it right now, folks. Literally, chunks of Ninjago reassembled into what looks like...Hold on, I think I see someone flying towards us. Maybe they can provide more clarity." 

Instead, they were attacked. "More breaking news. Literally, my news chopper is breaking apart! The people of this floating island do not provide more clarity. They provide more cannon fire! Dangerous cannon fire!! This is Gayle Gossip signing off, hoping I can still land this thing..." The camera shut off abruptly.


"Looks like you missed a spot." Nadakhan spilt Jay's bucket of water.

Jay sighed heavily. "I'm not gonna say it..."

"Say what? That you can wish it all away? Well, you can. You've already made your first two wishes, you have one left." Nadakhan smirked as he floated around Jay.

"My friends will come for me!" Jay glared at Nadakhan.

"I hope so. The more of you my Djinn Blade collects, the stronger I become. Creating a world from scratch takes a lot of hard work. Djinjago would get done a lot sooner if everyone pitches in, if you know what I mean." He threw the sword at Jay's direction as the souls within scream for help. "Care to say hello to your friends? Wish it. Wish it all away and join them. Wish it and you'll never have to pick up another scrub brush again." Nadakhan tried to persuade him.

"If I didn't have this Vengestone ball and chain, I'd zap you clean off this ship..!"

"Hmm. I can see why she once liked you. You're stronger than you appear. But I know it's all an act. Deep down, you're scared. You know you're weak. You make jokes to mask that you're afraid. That's why you didn't do anything when she fell for your friend, why you can't do anything when she falls for me. Believe me, aboard my ship, you will break. I will make sure of it. And when that time comes, I will be there, so you can wish it away."

"Still not gonna say it." Jay frowned.

"When he's done swabbing the deck, make sure he swabs the entire hull." Nadakhan drifted off.

"The bottom of the ship, Captain?" Flintlocke asked as Jay cleaned the hull and almost fell off.

"You're not afraid, are you, funny man?" The Djinn sneered at Jay.

"Ha! I love it!" Jay frowned as he contined to scrub.


Lloyd soon came back after flying over the Endless Sea to try and go back to Ninjago but it didn't work. "You okay? Did you see any land?" You frowned softly.

"Just water. I tried to reach the mainland, but it's too far. We won't be able to get off this on our own." Lloyd shook his head. Cole laughed making the three of you look at him.

"And what's so funny about our predicament?" Nya frowned softly.

"Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say to that.." He raised his voice. ""You're telling me we went through all that trouble to get the venom to stop Nadakhan, and now we have no way to get off this island!?" Heh, gone one day and I already miss him spazzing out..."

"Me too. After he lied to us, I was so hard on him. And now he's captured and all alone. Some friends we are." Nya frowned.

You patted her back. "You were just hurt from being lied too. Jay can handle himself just fine. There's a reason he became a Ninja after all."

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