I strap my brace onto my leg because I hadn't worn it the last few days as I haven't gone anywhere and knew if I stayed on my legs too long without it then I'd be in a lot of pain.

"You ready sweetheart?" Ma calls out and I make my way down stairs and meet them in the car.

"Glad to see you out of bed honey" Dad meets my eyes through the rear view mirror and I give him a small smile back.

It doesn't take us long to get to the bar and as I get out of the car I make sure I slap a smile on my face so that no one questions whether I was okay.

"There she is, my little Evan" Millie runs over to me with a large grin on my face and I couldn't help but replicate it. Something about Millie's energy just made everyone around her happy, she was like a personal ball of sunshine.

"Hi Mills" I laugh out as she grabs my hand and pulls me away from my parents and over to Zach.

We sit in the booth and I raise an eyebrow as they both stared at me with grins on their faces, it was starting to freak me out a bit.

"Is there something I can do for you two?"

"We have something to tell you. Nobody else knows though so you need to keep it to yourself" I nod my head cautiously.

"We're pregnant" My mouth drops open and I can't help the squeal that comes out of my mouth.

"Oh my god that's so exciting. Congratulations!" I jump up and pull Millie into a hug. She laughs but wraps her arms tighter around me.

"I actually can't believe this. It's so amazing" this has definitely boosted my mood.

"When are you going to tell everyone else?"

"We were thinking about after the next game but Mills was too excited not to tell you at the first opportunity she got" I couldn't help but laugh knowing I'd be exactly the same with telling Indigo and her if I was in the same position.

"You'll have to let me get you two some drinks. Obviously non alcoholic for you lovely" I press a kiss to her cheek and walk off to the bar to grab the drinks.

"Can I get two beers and a Diet Coke please?" The bartender nods and goes to grab the drinks for us.

Just as he hands them to me a looming shadow appears over me and I know who it is by the way my heart starts to beat rapidly and my cheeks flush in embarrassment. I knew that I would have to face him some day but I hadn't prepared what I was going to say yet.

I pay the bartender and grab the drinks before turning around. I watch as he runs his eyes over me lingering on my brace before moving his gaze back to my eyes. Rather than saying anything to me he just nods his head and orders.

I screwed my eyebrows together in confusion, I wasn't sure what Dallas was going to say but I wasn't expecting pure silence. Shaking off the situation I make my way back to the booth where a few other players have sat down.

I place the drinks down and everyone takes their drinks before I slide in next to Wessy.

"Hey there sweet cheeks we haven't seen you at the rink" I knew I was going to get the question so I had come up with a lie, there was no way I was going to say the truth it's embarrassing.

"I've been catching up with work, everything with the sponsor and stuff has kept me busy" as I finished my sentence Dallas slid into the booth opposite me and avoided my eyes.

"Well we miss your pretty face around the rink so you better be there at the next game" I let out a little giggle and nodded my head at him.

Without realising my eyes flicked over to Dallas who had no emotions on his face but he was squeezing his drink so hard it looked like the bottle was about to crack. I spent the rest of the night just chatting with the team and I really felt better. I guess my mum was right with socialising making me feel better.

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