Liv frowned at Harley. "My mum hates tattoos." Liv burst out into laughter, holding her stomach with one hand. "So, your father hates me because of my work... and your mother will hate me because of my tattoos?" Harley bit her lower lip nodding. "Yeah."

"Oh she was right, this weekend is going to be fun." She stated looking to Harley's lips then to her eyes with seduction. "Come on." Liv smiled walking out of the room as Harley looked her up and down taking another deep breath. "Fuck." She said to herself before walking out of her room.

"Oh there you... are... wow Liv... so many tattoos." Ava took a deep breath in shock washing over her face as Tyler and Carson hid their laughter. "There just tattoos mum." Harley said trying to defuse the tension that only she was feeling. "Well most of them have meaning." Ava nodded swallowing as she looked at one of a woman holding a gun.

"This one?" She questioned looking to Liv who chuckled. "Not all of them do, just some. I just liked that one." Ava nodded raising her eyebrows at Harley. "Okay." She said turning to her sons whispering to them. "You kids are going to give me a heart attack one of these days." The men couldn't help, but laugh at their mother who had extremely high standards for them.

"Just be glad you didn't go and get them." Tyler stated making Ava frown. "Shut it." Harley said throwing a spoon at him. "Seriously a spoon?"

"I wanted to throw a knife, but mums here." Harley snapped getting a smirk from Liv. "You realise you raised a psycho!" Tyler screamed at his mother who shook her head. "You're sister is a lovely young woman, with yes I'll admit some slightly rough edges." She said smiling lovingly at her daughter.

"Thanks mum." Harley shook her head as Liv raised her right eyebrow at her. "Rough edges, huh?"

"Oh nothing serious." Ava stated swatting the air trying to make it seem like it was nothing. Carson huffed with joy. "Yeah, because dad's a detective and helped her. If not she'd probably be in and out of jail by now. Psycho. Run Liv." He joked causing Harley to pick the knife up warning him. "Mum!"

"Harley put that down!" She let out a sigh dropping the knife resting her chin onto her hand. "Relax if I wanted to kill him, I'd just stabbed him not throw it. It might not hit him." She joked making Liv chuckle enjoying this side of Harley.

"Where's dad?" Harley questioned. "Oh he went back to work. He had something important to take care of. He'll spend some time with Tyler later and you and Liv. He wants to get to know you. We'll have a makeup birthday dinner tomorrow night." Liv nodded smirking knowing Ava was just trying to make her feel welcome. It was sweet of her, but not needed.

"I look forward to it." Harley took a deep breath in as Ava looked to her frowning then to Liv before going back to her daughter. "Honey... button your shirt up." She smiled as Harley looked down to see her showing off a little more breast than she'd like at a family gathering. "Oh sorry. I uh..." She turned to Liv who licked her lips.

"It's fine, you're an adult and I was young once. I know it's easy to get caught up in the moment..."

"Okay... stop." Harley shook her head sharing a look of disgust with her siblings as a phone began to ring making Liv take a deep breath in reaching into her back pocket. Harley looked up at her as she was leaning on the island, she raised her right eyebrow. "I'll be quick."

"You promised no work this weekend." She stated acting the girlfriend part as Liv nodded. "I know baby, one last thing and then I'm all yours." She smiled leaning forward giving Harley a kiss on the forehead before leaving the kitchen answering her phone.

Harley let out a sigh watching her. "You really like her, huh?" Ava questioned as Tyler and Carson moved next to their mother eager to hear their sister's response. Harley knew how she felt about Liv, but the betrayal, burying it every day, holding onto her anger wasn't doing her any good, she knew this, but she didn't know how to let it go.

"Yeah, I do but..." She turned back to her family to see all eyes on her making her stand up straight frowning. "I don't really seeing it being a long term thing." She said with sadness etched in her voice.


"Well she's always working and rarely talks about her past. She's really guarded." Harley felt defeated a little, yes Liv was telling her little things, but she always had to pester her to open up, she never did it just because she wanted Harley to know her. It hurt.

"Oh honey... that stuff comes with time, she's probably been hurt and is scared of letting you in..." Ava paused as Harley bounced her eyebrows with a small smirk knowing Liv wasn't scared of anything. "As for the work thing, just talk to her, but she does own a lot of cafes, right?" She questioned as Harley nodded wondering where she was going with this.

"Which means she is the boss, and a lot of people relay on the boss. Just maybe make a day for the two of you every week. Communication is key hun." Harley took a deep breath in nodding with a small smile. "Okay, can I open my gifts now?" Tyler questioned making everyone laugh.

"Of course. Here." Ava said handing him a gift bag.

"If you can't handle this, I'll put someone else in charge." Harley heard Liv coming back into the kitchen slowly. "Okay good. Don't call for the rest of the weekend. You're in charge." She ordered in a stern voice as she entered the kitchen watching Harley turn her head back to her mother seeing a small smile appearing on Ava's face telling her they had clearly been talking about her or them as a couple.

Liv walked towards the family, walking up behind Harley, wrapping her arms around her kissing her shoulder feeling her breathing increase making her smirk. "Oh, we're opening gifts." Liv stated unwrapping her arms from Harley, but interlocked their fingers together getting a small smile from her.

"Everything okay?" Harley whispered into Liv's ear.

"Yeah, it's being handled."

"If you need to..."

"Not a chance in hell." Liv said a little louder. "Liv I get it, you're the boss." Liv nodded taking a deep breath in, unlocking their fingers bringing her hand round to her back, wrapping it right round to her side pulling her closer to her body. "Yeah I am... which means when I tell my employees to take care of it and not phone again. They'll do as their told." Harley licked her lips as Ava smiled at her daughter.

"Okay, but..." Liv placed her hand onto her cheek not caring that her family was in front of them now. "Harls... you come first. Stop and just accept it." Liv ordered her.

Harley let out a sigh biting her lower lip. "Okay." She said quietly as Liv looked to her lips smirking before leaning in giving her a gentle kiss, keeping it as PG as she could. Harley swallowed slightly shocked, why she didn't know because they were close to having sex ten minutes ago.

"Okay I approve so far." Ava stated making Harley and Liv chuckle as they settled into their roles for the weekend.

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