Forest Love (idk T^T) part 1

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(Title sucks)

Requested by: honeytea123
(Hopefully it's close to what you wanted, it's probably not so good but do enjoy)

(All in Ducks pov :3 and I'm using fan names
Red = Harry
Duck = Robin)

Robin pov:

I sneak around and hid behind a tree as I wait for my 'Parent' to walk by back to the place I call home. I peak my head out and sigh when I see they went pushed. I push myself away from the tree and run towards the forest intentions.

We're not allowed in the forest unless we need other resources. As in we I mean other animals that are more valuable to animals that like to eat them..
We're told not to go into there unless we wish to be in danger to animals like wolfs who want to eat us-

But am I going to listen? No. Am I putting myself in danger by letting my curious mind get the best of me? Possibly! But who cares? Not me for sure! Eh I've been planning on leaving this place anyways- I don't like anyone here and they don't like me! I packed enough stuff to maybe last me until I  find another place to live for awhile, and I'm good at protecting myself! I should be fine- no wait not should, WILL be fine!

I take a deep breath and start heading into the woods.

(After a while of walking)

I stop after awhile and looked around. 'nothing but stupid trees, agh.' I go over to one of the trees and sit down. I take a deep breath and put the bag I brought in front of me. I look at my watch. 'hm I've been walking for about two hours- two hours?! Fuck- no wonder I'm so tired.. okay okay- I'll take a break here eat a little of something and be off again!' I open my bag and look through it.

I pull out a case of blueberries, 'eh not my favorite but it'll do' I open up the case and start eating.

(After eating some blueberries)

I put the case back in my bag and took a brink of my water and then got up. I look from left to right, 'hm- left or right....left of right- I'll go right!' i pick up my bag and started walking again.

I hummed to myself and looked around just a bit. Just more stupid trees.

'hm there's nothing much out here why are the people back home so scared of going in here-? I don't see anything interesting.. it's pretty boring to tell the truth.'


'the hell was that?!' I stop in my tracks and looks around. My heart starts beating fast as I whipped my head around. Nothing. I seen and heard nothing. '....I- I guess it was my imagination! Yeah.' I slowly started walking again.

I heard what sounded like running from behind me that was getting closer. I turn my head to see who it was to see a big red mop man with wolf ears and a tail, running right towards me!

I take off running away from the wolf man who was way, WAY, faster then me!

I try to jump over a log but fails and fall on my face knocking myself out-


My eyes snapped open and I sit up looking around me. I was in a room with one window, a king sized bed which I'm on right now, a small side table, and a door.

'where the fuck am I?!' I get up and feel a bit of pain in my foot. I looked out the window to see a bunch of trees and a house that looked around a mile away. 'hm... How did I get here?' I walked away from the window and to the door.

I put my hand on the doorknob and turn it. To my surprise it was unlocked. 'hm okay then-' I open the door and slowly walk out.

I close the door and walk...well more like limp down the hallway, 'not a bad house..' I limp into I'm guessing, the living room. I see a green couch and a coffee table in the middle of the room.

I then heard something or someone in the kitchen to my right. I carefully go and peak into the room and see a big red wolf man. I cover my mouth before I could make a noise and slowly back away. 'shit... Um okay I just need to leave very carefully and he won't notice and I can leave here as fast as I can!'

I turn around and go over to the front door, I was about to open it until I heard a voice behind me.

"Your not really good I keeping quiet when sneaking out.." I freeze and slowly turn around and look up at the red wolf who has some how got behind me without me knowing.

"..Ha ha yeah I've been told..." I say nervously as I slowly start move away from him, stepping on my foot wrong. "..fuck" I say quietly.

"You hurt yourself when you fell didn't you?" The wolf asked and he literally bent down to my hight. "No I'm fine." I cross my arms.
The wolf raised his eyebrow at me.

(Time skip)

.... Here I was sitting on the green couch getting my foot wrapped by a fucking red wolf....

"There you go, all wrapped up." "Hm..thanks ig" I look away from the wolf. "Your welcome." We doth went silent for awhile. Then the wolf cleared his throat and started to speak.

"My name is Harry." He says and puts out his hand well paw- I stay still for a while then started, "Robin." I hesitate but shakes his hand/paw. "Nice to meet you Robin" "same to you Harry.."

Harry gets up and walks to the kitchen. I sigh and look down at my foot and frown... ' stupid foot...' I look back up to see Harry has came back with a cup of water and hands it to me. I take it and slowly drink it. 'hm he's not to bad ig... '

(End of part one, I'll make part two later. Hoped you enjoyed this one, have a good day!)

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