good thing it's just a nightmare right?

282 6 24

Request by: Gremlin_Demon_Child

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(It's going to be Reds pov all the way through 😁)

The room I was in was dark, I couldn't see anything... I look around and find nothing..


"What the.." I said as I turn to the sound and see Roy holding Duck by his neck.

I see Duck trying to get out of his grip, but Roy tightens it taking out a knife and puts it right next to Ducks neck.

I gasp as I ran over to them but before I could get close Roy slits open Ducks neck and drops him.

Duck falls to the ground holding his next choking on his blood.

"Oh no no no..." I ran over to Duck and kneel down to him. He was bleeding alot of blood.

I look to where Roy was and he was gone. I look back over to Duck he was still choking on his blood coughing.

Then he stopped breathing, and was about to fall over but I caught him.

His eyes slowly closed and he stopped moving.

"No... no no no no! NO!" I yelled as I tried to stop the bleeding and make him breath....

But nothing worked... Tears started to come out of my eyes..

"No plz! Come on!" More and more tears came out as I hugged Ducks body.

"Why...." I asked myself...

I sit up straight in my bed, I looked around to see I was in my room...

"Oh... It was just a dream..." I said as I got out of my bed and walked into my kitchen...then I realized...

This wasn't the house.... It's my apartment.. the one I got when I left Yellow and Duck and quit working for Roy...

Tears started coming out of my eyes again.... Remembering how I already lost my love...

(Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! This was sad... Oh well... Hope you enjoyed!)

(I do-

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