Sorry I have a boyfriend....part 1

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(literally based on a rp I did, just more detail- I was also Duck in the rp lol, and Duck adopt Yellow, just to let you know)
(And yes I'm using fan names for the main three)

Duck= Robin
Red= Harry
Yellow= Doi

(Alright enjoy the story!!)

Action= *
Talking= "

Duck/Robins Pov-

Doi, Harry and I where in the living room. Doi and Harry were watching tv and I was on my phone.

I was going through my messages when I got a message from Andy! 'why is he texting me?' I opened the message-

Andy: Hey Robin!
Robin: Hi Andy
Andy: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out!

'hang out? Um- I'm not sure what to say-' I looked up from my phone to Doi. "Hey Doi can you help me with something?" I asked Doi looked at me, "Sure! What cha need help with?" He said as he came over to me. I showed him my phone. "Oh! Well do you want to hang out with him?" Doi asked. "Um I'm not sure.." I said.
"Hm well do you like him-?" Doi asked looking at me. "Well duh we are friends" I said, "Okay then! Then you'll hang out with him! I'll write it for you" He said as he started typing.
"Okay then-" I said watching him type!

Robin: sure! I would love to!
Andy: Great! I was thinking we could go to a new cafe and then maybe the park?
Robin: sounds great Andy!
Andy: awesome! I'll pick you up in 20-25 minutes!
~Andy has gone offline~

"Alright here you go! He's coming to pick you up in a few minutes!" Doi said, handing back my phone. "Your going to a new cafe and maybe the park, oh and he's going to be here soon so go get ready!" Doi said going back over to the sofa with a sleeping Harry. "I- alright!" I said going to my room. 'when in the world did Doi- yeah I'm just not even going to question it!'

(Few minutes later)

I got done. 'oh god that took longer then I thought-' I thought to myself looking in the mirror. "Robin! Someone is at the door! I think it's Andy!" Doi yelled from the living room. 'sh't!' "I'm coming!!" I said as I ran out of my room and to the front door.
I open the door to see Andy. "Hey Andy!" I said kinda out of breath. "Hello Robin! Ready to go?" Andy asked. "Yup! Alright see you guys when I get back!" I yell to Doi and a still sleeping Harry.
I close the door behind me and Andy and I walk to his car and get in.

After a few minutes we were heading to the cafe, I was looking out the window humming to myself. "So Robin hows it going?" Andy asked. "Eh it could be better.. yours?" I asked looking over at him. "It's been alright." He said looking at the road. "That's good!" I said with a smile.

After a few more minutes we finally made it. Andy parked the car and we got out and headed to the entrance.
Andy opens the door for me, "thank you." I said as I walked in.
"Your very welcome!" He said as he also walked in.

A waitress came up to us, "hello! Table for two?" They asked, "yup!" Andy said. "Alright right this way!" They said as they took us to our set then asked for what we wanted to drink.
"Hm.. I think I'll just take a water." I said. I would have coffee butttt I already had like three cups earlier today-
"Alright, and you sir?" The waitresses asked turning towards Andy. "Um how about some beer?" Andy asked, "alright! I'll be right back with your drinks." Then they walked away.

We got our brinks and talked for a bit.

(A bit later, Andy is literally wasted- lol)

"Heyyyyyyy Robin" Andy asked sluring his words. "Yes?" I asked looking at the drunk man. "You know... I like you!" Andy said smiling. I raise a eyebrow, "well yes I like you too! Your my friend!" I said smiling back. "No no no no.. I don't mean like that-" he said sitting up a bit.

"I love you Robin.."

(And boom! Part 2?)

I do-

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