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Requested by: Me the creator :D

No one's pov:

Red has just got home from work and was walking to the door of the house. *Man... Today was not a good day...* He thought as he opened the door to hear Duck yelling at Yellow.
*Agh... Can he go without one day of yelling at the poor guy..* Red though as he walked into the living room to see Duck hitting Yellow on the head with a Rolled up newspaper.

Red walk over behind Duck. "You stupid-" Duck didn't finish as The newspaper was taking out of his hand. "Hey!" Duck turned around to Red holding the newspaper. "Give it back!" Duck said as he was trying to get the paper back.

"No." Red said as he tore it up and throw it away. "Hey I wasn't down with that!" Duck looked at the tore up newspaper.
"Should have finished it before you started to hit Yellow." Red said as he walked pasted Duck and patted Yellow on the head.

"Th-Thanks Red! It was starting to hurt quite a bit.." Yellow said with a smile. "No problem." Red walked over to the computer and started on work he had to finish.

Duck was still looking at the tore up newspaper, and crossed his arms. He walked over to his rocking chair and looked at the ground mumbling stuff under his breath.

Yellow was grateful that Red came home and stopped Duck. He then went over to his room to color before dinner.

{A few minutes later}

Duck was getting bored and wanted to do something. He didn't want to go to Yellow, so he decided to go to Red.
He got up and walked over to the Mop looking fellow and taped on his arm.

"Red I'm bored!" Duck said poking Red's arm. Red looked at him and back at the computer. "Okay so? What do you want me to do about it? I'm working at the moment, go do something with Yellow or something.." Red said as he was trying to ignore the poking on his arm.

"I don't want to do something with him!" Duck said poking harder now. "Can you stop! Just wait for me to get done then." Red said as he pushed Ducks hand away. " Agh! Fine!" Duck said annoyed.

{After dinner, I'm to lazy to write them eating and whatever..}

Red still had stuff to the do on the computer that needed to get done. Yellow was back in his room doing something. Duck walked over to Red before Red went to the computer.

"Can we do something now!" Duck said in annoyed voice.
"Nope I'm busy. Later" Red said as he walked over to the computer. "Aghhhh!! Come on! Do something with me!!" Duck blocked his way to the computer. Red sighed and pick up Duck and placed him on the couch as he walked to the computer.

Duck looked at him angry as he stared at him. "Fine... I'll find my own this to do.." He got up and went to the room. Red rolled his eyes and started to do work.

{A few minutes later}

Duck was still bored and wanted to cuddle. He walked out of the room and over to Red. "Red I want to cuddle!" Duck said poking Red's arm. Red sighed "I'm busy at the moment.... Later, okay?" Red said as he went back to work. "AGH! Fine!" Duck said as he stomps back to the room.

Duck got into bed and grabbed his pillow. *Guess this will work for now...* He thought to himself laying down and hugging the pillow.

Duck was staring at the wall in till he head the door. Red walked in. "I'm down, we can cuddle now.." Red said as he walked to the bed. "Hmph! I don't want to cuddle with you anymore!" Duck said still looking at the wall.

Red looked at him, he knew he was lying. He sighed and picked up Duck. "Hey! Put me down!" Duck said kicking his legs. Red sat down and placed Duck down on him and started to cuddle him.

"I told you I didn't want to cuddle anymore with you!" Duck said trying and failing at getting up. "Nope we're cuddling, you were whining about not cuddling." Red said as he pets Duck.

Duck rolled his eyes and got comfortable in Reds arms.
Red closed his eyes.

"Night Bird.." He said as his eyes got heavy.

Duck sighed and said "Night Mop.." as he fell asleep..

(I got bored... Sooooo here you guys go! Not the best but eh. I wrote it at 2 in the morning 😃 have a good day and request what you want next!)

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