Outlaw and Dancer

349 9 24

Requested by: honeytea123

Human au!!

' = thinking
" = Talking
* = Action

Reds pov:

'agh finally! I found a town to stay at for a while..' I thought as I walked up to the little town. I walk around looking at all the shops and house till I reached a bar.
'hm, might as well check it out' I thought as I walked into the bar.

As I walked in I see a stage in the back of the place. 'hm'..
I walked up to the bartender, the bartender looked up at me with joyful eyes and smiled.

"Hello there sir! My name is Doi, but my friends call me Yellow!" He said in a joyful voice.
"Um hi.."I said to him. His smile got even bigger. "Oh right! What can I get you Sir?" He asked me, "um.. I'll get a cocktail" I said looking away from the young man.

"Coming up!" He said as he started to make my drink.
I looked over at the stage. "Hey, is there going to be a show or something today?" I asked still looking at the stage.

Yellow looked up from what he was doing, "Yup! Our singer/Dancer is performing later today" he said with a smile and went back to doing his job. 'hm is that so? I might come back..' I thought to myself.

Yellow got done with my drink and handed to me, "there you go sir! Will that be all?" He asked "yup thanks... Hey um when is the singer coming to sing and dance?" I asked so I could come back later.

"Oh! In a round 3 hours I'll say!" He smiled at me as he walked to a different person to take their order. 'alright then, I'll come back in 3 hours then..' I then took a sip of my drink.

{3 hours later! )

'looks like it's about time, should go over to the bar.' I thought to myself as I walked to the bar.

I walk into the bar to see it was packed! 'oh wow..'
I walk over to a empty table and waited.

After a while music started to play, I looked at the stage to see a wo- no a man?! Walk onto it. He had tan skin and short green hair, he was also in a beautiful dress, he was pretty short too. 'hm so this is the singer?' I thought to myself.

After The singer got ready he started to sing and dance alittle, his voice was so lovely... My eyes widen I was not expecting that at all...

It was been hearing the end of his third song, as I was looking at him in amazement. 'wow who knew that he could sing so well? I got to I meant he doesn't look to bad in that dress..' I thought to myself as I blushed.

My eye we're staring at him while he sang, when all of a sudden he started looking right back at me! My eyes widen, and my face got redder..

Ducks pov:

I was close to ending my third song, when I kept feeling someone staring at me, I mean a lot of people are staring at me, but this one felt different.. I looked over at the person that was staring at me to see a tall man with long hair red hair looking at me. I seen his eyes widen when he I noticed I was staring right back at him, I could also say that he was blushing... A lot.

I smirked and winked at him. His face got redder.

I got done with my song and walked off the stage, over to Yellow.
" Hello Yellow." I said to the guy. "Hi Duck! You did great today!" He said with a joyful voice. "Yeah yeah, hey do you know that guy over there?" I asked bringing to the redhead sitting by himself.
"Hm? Oh yeah! He's a new fellow! His name is Red!" He said
"Where did he come from?" I asked. "Hm... I don't know, he just appeared." He said thinking back. "Alright thanks" I said as I started to walk to Red.

Reds pov:

I was looking down at the table and then looked up to see the singer right in front of me. "AH!" I screamed as my face got red.
"Whoa there big guy" he said well giggling.
I said to slow down my breathing..

"Hiya! My name is Duck! Nice to meet you" he said with a smile.
"H-hi, my nam-" "Red! I know! The bartender told me." He interrupted me.
"I- yeah!" I said my face still red.

"Your face is pretty red, you alright?" He said with a smirk.
My face got redder. "Um y-yeah I'm good!" I said to him.

"So where you from Red?" He asked.
My eyes widen, I can't just say, oh yeah I run from where I'm from cuz I'm an outlaw you know? I can't say that sh*t!

"I- um you know just wanted to get out move around" I said in a nervous voice. Duck raised his eyebrow at me then smiled.
"Ah okay!" He said.

After a while we started talking more it was sundown.
"Well I got to go" he said as he took out a piece of paper.
"Oh.." I said and it is appointed voice, I really wanted to talk to him more... He then hands me a piece of paper with an address on it.

"Come by and see me, or if you need a place to stay." He got up,
"See ya handsome~" he said as he walked out of the bar.
I watched him leave as my face got red again.. 'he just called me handsome...'.

I looked down at the piece of paper and smiled.

Yellows pov:

I sat there as I watched the entire thing. I smiled to myself 'hm well well look at that?' I thought to myself as I finished cleaning some glasses.

(I'm finished, I didn't reread this sooo sorry if it's bad..I might make a part 2 idk yet-
got any requests for the next story in here?)

(I can do-
And smut)

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