Late night movies and Cuddles

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Request by: a couple of people

( okay so ' this means their thinking or saying something in their mind, " this means their talking, * this means their doing something, that's all!)

Nobody pov:

Duck was tossing and turning in his bed. Until he shot up in a cold sweat and was panting...."god....I had another nightmare..." He said as he got up out of bed. "That's the three one this week.... maybe some milk will help me go back to bed..." He said as he walked out of his room.

As he walked out he heard some noises coming from the living room. 'did someone leave the tv on?' As he went to see what was going on, he seen Red sitting on the couch with the tv on.
'why in the world is he up?' Duck though as he walked closer to Red.

Duck Walks next to him and looks at the tv, he then looked at Red who was looking at the tv not noticing that Duck was staring at him. "Why are you still up?" Duck asked as he tugged on his arm.
Red jumped at that and looked at Duck. "Couldn't sleep.... Why are you up?" He asked. "Just a little nightmare.." Duck said as he looked at the tv.

"What are you watching?" He asked as he took a sit on the floor.
Red looked down at him then looked at the tv. "Nothing.... I was thinking of putting in a movie.." he said. "Can I watch a movie with you?" Duck asked Red. "Sure... What movie do you want to watch?" Red asked looking down at Duck.

"hm... how about The Conjuring!"Duck Said with a smile.
"Um... What's The Conjuring?????" Red asked. "Idk I seen it at the store and bought it, I never got the chance to watch it!" Duck said looking over at Red. "Sure I guess... Go put it in.." Red Said.
"Okay!" Duck said then ran to go get the movie.

~ a few minutes later ~

"Alright I'm back with the movie!" Duck said as he ran into the living room and puts in the movie. "Alright then..." Red said as he straighten up a bit. Duck then runs back over and sits on the floor.
Red looks at him "why are you sitting on the floor your chair is over there..?" Red asked. "I don't feel like sitting on my chair.." Duck said as he looked at Red. "Alright then.." said Red as he pushed played on the movie..

~A little bit later ~

'So this is definitely a horror movie....' Red thought, he then looked at Duck who was really interested in the movie. Duck then looked behind him. "Hey um Red..." Duck asked looking down at the ground.." Yes?" Red asked. "Can can I sit in your chair with y-you....?" Duck asked well blushing. "Um... Sure ig..if I can make room for you..." Red said surprised, he moved a little bit to make room for him which wasn't much...

Duck got up and walked over to him... 'thats not much guess I'll sit in his lap ig....' Duck thought as he climbed into Red's lap. Red jumped at that. 'a- alright then..' Red though as he blushed. Duck got settled in and continues to watch the movie.

~An hour later~

'omg omg omg! She took her two kids!!! What is she going to do?!' Duck thought a little scared. Red was sleeping peacefully, till Duck got scared and backed into him. "Oh no! Go hide!"Duck said trying to be quiet. Red jumped at his voice. Duck looked up at him "oh... I'm sorry..." He said covering his mouth. *Yawns* "it's alright..." Red said still tried he puts his arms around Duck pulls him close.
Duck jump a little in surprised and blushing alot.

~ when the movie ended ~

Duck has fallen asleep. Red wake up to see the movie has ended. He looks down and smiles. He then picks up Duck and walks to his room to put him in his bed. Duck moved a little but didn't wake up.

Red got to Ducks room and places him down on the bed, he was about to leave on till he felt a tug on his arm. He looks back to see Duck awake and pulling his arm. "Hm?" Red looked at him. "C-can you stay with me please...." Duck asked embarrassed. Red smiles "sure.." he said. Duck smiles and movies over to make room for him.

Red then get into his bed and gets comfortable, Duck then snuggles up to him.

"Goodnight Red..." Duck said as he was falling asleep.

"Goodnight...." Red said with a smile and falls asleep.

(Done! Any requests you want me to do?)
(Have a good day/night!!)

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