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Requested by:Litzy50699

Ducks Pov:

I was sitting on my chair waiting for Red to come home.. Well Yellow was busy doing something somewhere else....who knows...


I jumped at the at the sudden noise...I got up to see that Red had came home.. he look like he had a bad day. I walked up to him.

"Bad day?" I asked.
"......" He didn't respond just walked past me and to his chair.
" you want some coffee?" I said walking over to him.
"No.." he said closing his eyes. 💭 alright then...💭 I thought.
"Do you want to talk about it? Was it your boss again? Or was it something else? Do you want me to get anything for you?...."I ramble on.
"...No I..." I couldn't finish. I could feel my eyes start to water.
Tears start falling down more and more....
"...are...are you crying....?" Red asked is a shock tone.
I didn't say anything else, I ran into my room and locked the door.

Red Guys pov:

💭 head hurts...💭 I thought to myself.
"...No I..." I heard Duck say. I waited for him to finish....but he never did..I looked up to see him crying.
"...are...are you crying....?" I asked in a shock tone.

Before I anything else he ran into his room. I got up to go after him.
"Wait, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you!" I apologized. I came up to his room and tried to open the door....💭it's lock..💭
"Duck plz open the door I didn't mean to yell at you!" I apologize again.
"no.." is all I heard from him.....
I sighed...💭 he'll probably come out tomorrow 💭


I got up the next day, went to the bathroom did my business. Then I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for us...
As I was finishing up, I could hear footsteps coming from the hallway.
"....good morning Red.." said Yellow in a tired tone.
"Good morning Yellow" I said back to him.
"Do you want some breakfast?" I asked,
"Okay!" He said in a cheerful voice...

{After Yellow and Red ate}

"I'm going to go color!" Yellow said as he ran to his room.

💭Hm Duck hasn't came out yet... maybe I should go check on him..💭
I walk to his room and knock.
"Hey.. Duck you going to come out to eat?" I asked...
"Mmm no..." He said back..
I sigh "alright...well me and Yellow are going out for work, see you later today.." I say as I walk to get Yellow so we can go.

Duck Guys pov:

I heard him sigh..."alright...well me and Yellow are going out for work, see you later today.." he said as I heard him walk away....

💭Why do I feel bad for not coming out?...He's the one that yelled at me for no... reason...💢💭 I thought to myself..

It's been a few hours, so I decided to go out of my room to get something to eat... I walked out to the kitchen to see a note on the said...'Duck, I'm going to be gone longer then usual, but Yellow should be home at around 5pm.... again I'm sorry for getting mad at you yesterday... Anyways have a good day love you!'
💭 he's not going to be home for a while....why do I feel guilty of not coming out of my room and talking to him... agh...💭


"I'm home! " Yellow said in a cheerful voice...."hello Duck??" He asked in a confused voice... I was in my room... "Yeah...?!" I yell from out of my room. "Is it okay if I go to my dads????" He asked.
To be honest... I wouldn't care less...." Sure idc.." I yell to him.
"Okay! See you later!!!" He said as I heard the door open and close.
💭Okay so he's gone now....AGH! why do I feel guilty now for staying in my room when Red was trying to apologize...💭

It's been 4 hours I came out of my room and is now sitting on my chair...Yellow called and said he was staying over at his dad's house... 💭 Shouldn't Red be home by's 9:30pm...What if he just left because I didn't come out of my room...what if he doesn't want to be with me anymore...w-what if he hates m-me...💭 I thought, I could feel tears coming out of my eyes...
I then hear the door open...."I'm home!" Red yelled he walked into the living room, I got up with even more tears scrolling down my face. Ran to Red and hugged him. He jumped at that and looked down at me....

"I'm sorry I should of came out of my room so we could talk! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm s-sorry!!" I said crying even more now.
He bent down on his knees and puts his arms around me..
"I'm sorry! Plz don't leave me!" I said crying even more....this is one of the most times I cried this much....

"Shh it's okay...I'm not going to leave you...I'm sorry for yelling at you I was just stressed..." He said as I tightened my grip on him...
"How about we go sit down..." He said trying to get up.
"Hm..." That's all I said before he sighed and pick me up, and carry me to his chair...
He sat down and puts me on his lap well raping his arm around me. I try to sit up but he pushes me back down on his chest, he then started to pet me slowly.
My eyes started to get heavy....
"I love you, honey....." I said in a tired tone...
He chuckles..
"I love you too, darling..." He said.......

(Done! I'm doing some others request from people...but you can request anything! Anyways have a nice day!!!)

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