Sorry I have a boyfriend....part 2

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(parttttttt 2 y'all!!!)
(Also remember Duck adopted Yellow, Yellow is a child in this around 12)

(Yellow also calls Duck Mum... Its a long story how it came to that-)


Duck= Robin
Red= Harry
Yellow= Doi

(Alright enjoy the story!!)

Talking= "

Duck/Robins Pov-

"I love you Robin..." Andy said definitely drunk.

My eyes widen. He likes me..?! I stare at him for a moment then opened my mouth. "Um..." I closed my mouth again.
Andy looked right into my eyes. "What? Do you not love me?!" His eyes widen. "I- um Andy- I kinda have a boyfriend..." I said.
"Who?!" Andy said get up, I looked up at him. "Harry..." I said.

"Harry?! That bitch! I'm way better then him!" Andy slammed his fist into the table and I jump a bit not saying a word. "You know what...I'm going to fuck him up! Your supposed to be mine!" Andy said as he started to the door. 'oh no!' I get up and grab his arm. "You can't do that! Oh god! Don't hurt him!!" I said then I was pushed to the ground by Andy as he went out to his car.

I got up and ran out to him. "Andy no!" I said as he drove off. I watched as he disappeared. "Shit! Oh god! I'll call Doi and warn him!" I said as I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

On the phone-

Doi- "Hello?"
Robin- "omg! Doi I need you to lock the doors and windows! And don't let Harry out of your site!"
Doi- "wait wh-"
Robin- "just fucking do it! Andy is coming to the house and is going to do something to Harry!"
Doi- "Okay okay!"

Hungs up-

I start running to the house. 'God damnit...'

(Robin finally got home)

I ran to the door and then it opened as Doi ran out and to me.
"Mum!" Doi yelled "We need to hurry and get Harry out before he's seriously hurt!!" Doi yelled again and pulled me into the house.

Doi and I hurry into the living room and then hear a thing break in the kitchen. We both ran into the kitchen to see Harry getting pinned down by Andy and Andy holding a knife up to his neck!

My eyes widen as Doi ran over to them and pushes Andy over.
"Get off him!!" Doi yelled. 'oh god! I got to get them out before they gets hurt!' I thought to myself as I went over to Harry and help him up.

I look over at Doi to see him get push to the ground and Andy run upstairs. I push Harry out the door and go over to Doi and Grab his arm and pull him outside.

"What the hell is going on?!" Harry asked and turned to me. "I'll explain later I'm going to go back in!" I said "I- agh! Fine! Just don't get hurt please!" He said and he grabs Dois arm. "I wont I promise!!" I said as I ran back inside and upstairs.

I carefully walk around and go into the bathroom to see it empty.. 'alright next room-' I thought to myself and go to my room (Robin and Harry have they're own rooms ha ha)

I slowly open the door and look in. I look over to my drawers to see Andy digging through it. 'the fuck!' I stay by the back by the door and watch. He takes out something and put it in his pocket before I get a look of what he put in his pocket and goes over behind my shelf and pulls out a camera?! 'wtf! Has that been there this whole time?! Did he put It there...?' I open the door a little more accidentally make some noise 'oops-'

Andy turns around and see me! "Robin!" He says as he walks over to the door and a back up away from him. "Nice to see you again darling!" Andy says as he smiles at me. "I- what are you doing...?" I ask. "Oh nothing! Just getting some stuff I left here that last time I was here! Now excuse me!" He says as he walks pushed me to Dois bedroom.

I follow him into the bedroom, "what stuff are you looking for...?" I ask as I watch him go to Dois bed and look under the mattress. "This." He said as he pulled out another camera! "A camera?!" I yelled. "Why yes! How else would I be able to watch my son and boyfriend?" He said as he went back to my room. "WHAT?! You've been watching me and Doi?!" I say as I follow him. "And Doi is not your kid! He is mine kid! And I'm not your boyfriend!!!" I stomp my foot down.

"Yet..." I hear Andy say and he starts digging in my stuff again! 'agh!!! I'll call Doi and get him to call the police..' I carefully take out my phone and text Doi making sure Andy is to busy to see me...

In text~

The bird (Robin): Doi!!!

The dumb one(Doi): mum! Are you alright!?

The bird: I'm fine! I need you to call the police please!!! And hurry!

The dumb one: okay okay!

The bird went offline~

I put my phone in my back pocket of my pants and look back over at Andy to see him walking over to me. "So... " I say nervously say as I look down trying to take up as much time as I can for the police hurry and come. Andy laughs a bit and takes my hand, I turn my head up to him... 'god come on police people hurry up!'

Andy doesn't let go of me and holds my hand tighter... Then we hear sirens, Andy stiffens up and looks down at me. "You call the police didn't you..?" He asked as his grip tightens. "I-" we hear people run up stairs and into the room.

Andy finally let's go and my and looks at the police officers the have came in.

(Time skip)

Harry, Doi, and I watch As the police car drives away. I sigh in relief as Harry comes over to me and hugs me. "I'm glad your alright.." he says as I look up at him. "I'm pretty sure I should be glad you and Doi are alright!" I laugh a bit.

"Now Robin... Are you going to explain what was going on and why Andy tried killing me?"


And done! Hoped you liked this! Sorry I haven't been uploading lately my internet has been out, so when I finally got a little of internet I hurried and posted this and update some of my other stuff-

If you want you can make request for the next story!

Well have a good day friends!

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