quiet treatment

550 10 15

Requested by: Gremlin_Demon_Child

' = thinking
" = Talking
* = Action

Reds pov:

*Walks over to stairs that lead to the attic*
I look up the stairs, 'well here goes nothing, I've never been up here. It might have clues of how to get out of this place' I thought to myself as I start walking up to the attic.

{Past the big and bigger whatever they are.. lol I'm not going to go look up what their called -_-}

'that was weird...' I thought as I walk up to a door. I slowly turn the door knob and push the door open.
*Pushes door to reveal a room with a piano and a lady*

"What the... Who are y-" I was saying before I was interrupted by the mystery Lady. "I know why your here... Snooping around.." she said as she stops playing the piano and slowly turns to me. She looks at me with a cold stair. I look at the piano to see... What looks like a smaller version of the house, and some dolls?
She walks in front of it. "Before you leave I have some things to say"she said walking closer to me.

"What- who the f**** are you?!" I said in a louder voice. "Names Lesley.. nice to meet you" she says to me.
"Now... Try to escape, talk about me, or get to attached to the others.... And Duck will be gone. Permanently" she says looking me cooled in the eyes, my eye widen 'she can't do that... Right?...' I slowly nod my head,
She smiles, "good, now you should get going... The others might be wondering where you went.."she turns around and walks back to the piano.

{Walks back down... Blah blah blah blah blah}

'maybe it's better if I don't talk so I don't accidentally say something...' I got to the end of the stairs and walked to the living room. Duck was there sitting in his chair, he then looked up at me. "Where were you?" He ask, I didn't answer and walked to the kitchen.

Ducks pov:

'what the- did he not hear me?' I watch Red walk to the kitchen and out of sight. 'no... He was staring right at me...' I got up and went to the kitchen and walk up to him. "Hey, did you hear me? I asked where were you?" I asked looking up at him. He didn't say anything and walked to the bedroom. 'the hell...now he's just being rude..' I look at the bedroom door and cross my arms.

{The next morning}

Still Ducks pov:

I woke and looked around the room to find that Red was not in bed, I looked over to Yellow to see him still asleep snoring. I got of bed and walked to the living room to see Red there watching tv.

"Good morning" I said walking up next to his chair to see what was on the tv. He didn't say anything he didn't even look up, his eyes stayed on the tv. 'whatever then-' "I'm going to go get ready for today" I say and walked to the bathroom to get changed.

Reds pov:

After I heard the bathroom I sigh. 'god... I feel bad for ignoring him.. but if it's the only thing that will keep him safe, I'll keep going.' I thought to myself. "Good morning!!" Yellow said out of nowhere, I jump but kept my eyes on the tv. "Hello? Did you hear me?" He asked, then I heard the bathroom door open and Duck walked out and to the kitchen. Yellow then ran to the kitchen.

Yellows pov:

I ran to the kitchen to Duck. "G-Good morning!" I said to him, he turned to me, "morning.. who's turn is it to make breakfast?" He asked. "Um... Idk I'll g-go look!" I said as I ran to the calendar to see that it's Ducks turn- "it's your turn!" He sighed and started to get stuff ready for breakfast.

{Time skip to the evening}

Reds pov:

I was sitting in the kitchen reading a book, when Duck came in and sat in front of me. I tried to ignore him and stay quiet.
"Hey whatcha doing?" He asked looking at my book, I just pretended to not hear and continued reading. Then Yellow walked, "I'm g-going to bed goodnight guys!" "Night" Duck said, I didn't say anything. Yellow looked at me and walked to the bathroom.

"Anyways, whatcha doing?" He asked again looking at me, I still didn't say anything and out up to get some coffee.
"Hey, I'm talking to you." He said as he got up and followed me.
I ignored him and continue to make coffee. 'god...'

"Hey! Stop ignoring me!!!" Duck said starting to get annoyed. I got finished and walked back to the table.
....... Silence.....

".....If you hate me that much, just say it!" Duck said, my eye widen in shock. I turned around to look at Duck, his arms were crossed and he was looking at the ground. ".... I don't hate you..." I said, Duck looked up at me. "Then why weren't you talking to me and ignoring me! Like I didn't exist!" He said in an angry tone.

"...... because..." I said hesitating to tell him anymore..
"Because what?!" He asked getting impatient...

{After Red told Duck about the attic and Lesley}

Duck looked at me in shock. "Thats because I haven't been talking to you and the other one.... I don't hate you, I- I love you very much...." I say, I can feel my face get red(lol Red turned red)
I look at Duck to see him blushing a bit, I smile under all my hair.
Then my smile faded "and now I might not see you ever again because I told you..." I said in a sad tone.

"W-well.. maybe she was bluffing? We can wait and see if anything happens" Duck said in a nervous tone.
'yup.... Let's see....'

Time past and nothing happened... Nothing happened... "See nothing happened to me I'm fine!" Duck said with a smile.
"Y-Yeah..." I said with a small smile.

Duck got up and started to walk to the bedroom
"I'm going to bed" then he paused "oh yeah- I love you too.." he said as he ran to the bedroom.

I sat there in shock.... 'he loves me too... He loves me too!' I smile really big and start to laugh a little.

Ducks pov:

I looked out the door to what it looks like Red smiles and laughing a bit, 'i made him laugh... Hehe'

"Yup I sure do love you"

(And done! Hoped you liked!)

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