A New Job

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The dress you had been wearing the previous night lay discarded on the couch, happily taken off by your maid you had rung for. You were perched on the edge of your bed in silk nightclothes, biting at your fingernail while lost in your thoughts.

It was clearly unhealthy for you to stay in the palace any longer, yet you couldn't quite muster up the courage to leave. Your feet felt frozen in place and there was nothing compelling you from leaving the premises short of the fear you felt staying.

The sunlight filtered through the window panes, casting refractions over the floor that slowly crept up the side of your bed as time moved on. The thoughts that came in and out of your mind were jumbled at best and difficult to make any sense out of.

Frustrated, you fell back onto the pillow and let out a breath, trying to calm the tension in your body.

If I stay, everything will continue to madden me. If I leave, I don't know where I'd go.

So many factors hinged on your stay at the castle, yet there was a pit in your stomach saying it wasn't right. You were jeopardizing yourself if you continued to live in this façade.

A light knock came from the door and you lifted your head slightly to see Kaiyan come through the threshold, his face set in an unenthused look.

"Good morning." You said blandly and laid your head back down.

"We have training. Get up." He demanded as his eyes landed on your discarded dress laying on the couch.

You sighed through your nose and rose to sit on the edge of the bed, "I'm afraid I can't join you for training this morning."

The captain snorted, "And what excuses are you going to throw at me today?"

"None actually," You stood up and walked past him to the door. "Iliyas gave me a task and I intend to start this morning."

Kaiyan locked eyes with you as you opened the door and gestured for him to leave. "You can't start this at any other time of day?"

"Shouldn't I be treating the King's orders with the utmost respect and diligence?" You fired back.

The two of you stood there for a few moments, locked in an eye battle of stubbornness, until he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "If Iliyas stressed that it must be started at once, then I can't go against him."

"Good, good. Now please leave." You forced a fake smile onto your face as he crossed the room and passed you.

You slammed the door shut the second his feet went into the hallway and listened for his footsteps as they faded back down the hall.

A few moments of silence passed as you realized the hole you had dug for yourself, and what the day ahead of you would look like.

Standing up straighter, you ventured into the closet to put together a makeshift outfit for the day.


The cobblestone streets felt familiar underneath your soft-soled shoes as you wandered down the main roads of the aristocratic neighborhoods. A hooded cloak was pulled up over your head and a dusty red dress fell down to your ankles, concealing your build and facial features while still blending in mostly with the crowd out at the hour.

Fancy cafes with detailed little chairs out front were opening their doors and greeting customers, meanwhile the tailor shops were setting displays out in the window for the daily fashion trends. People dressed in fine clothes and vibrant colors passed bye, entranced in conversation or their own business, too busy to pay you any mind.

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