Know Thy Enemy

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You had slept in many uncomfortable places over the years, but wherever you were right now had beat them all.

Your memory was hazy, someone had drugged you was all you could tell, and you refused to open your eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep.

Unfortunately, it slipped farther out of your grasp and you pushed yourself off the ground and opened your eyes.

You were in a holding cell.

Cold stone that hadn't been cleaned in Versial knows how long made up the entire room with rusted bars caging off sections of the room. The only items in your cell was an empty bucket and rusty chains hanging from the wall.

You were relieved to not be attached to them.

Last night's memories hit you like whiplash and you stood up in a fit of rage and grabbed the cells door.

The rust flaked off as you dug your grip deeper into the metal and peered down the hallway, trying to figure out who was holding you here at the moment.

"Hello!" You shouted, pulling on the bars more. "Someone get over here right now!"

Your voice echoed around the otherwise empty room and you couldn't hear any footsteps coming towards you. It did nothing except make you even angrier and you sized up the door before slamming your shoulder against it repeatedly.

It creaked as more rust flakes fell to the ground, leaving red stains on your once white dress, but it didn't give way.

Realizing it was doing nothing except depleting your strength, you brushed your shoulder off and looked around the small cell you were afforded. There wasn't a window, it was in the cell to your right, and the chains looked as if they hadn't been used in a good decade.

You paced the cell, learning it was probably about 10 feet in length, and thought.

The sun coming through the window meant it was probably midday which means it was about 12 hours since you and Yiar had been separated.

12 hours since his murder.

The thought filled you with a newfound rage and you picked up the bucket and hurled it against the cell. The metallic sound rang out through the room and it hit the stone with a crash.

"Careful there. You wouldn't want it to ricochet and hit you." A deep voice said and you looked up to see a man standing in front of your cell.

He was very tall and muscular with a dark skin tone and wore an outfit that signified he belonged to the royal guard. His blue eyes felt as if they pierced into your mind, reading and anticipating your next move, and you squirmed under his gaze.

Kaiyan, Captain of the Royal Guard.

Another sting of hurt and betrayal ran through you as you realized Xerxes really had sold you to them, but it was replaced by sheer hatred. After all you had done for them, you ended up here.

"Don't want to talk?" Kaiyan asked as he grabbed the bars and leaned towards you. "I promise things will be much smoother if you open your mouth."

You pressed yourself against the back wall of the cell, your heart thumping in your chest. You knew what this man was capable of, had seen it firsthand, and every part of your body was screaming for you to run.

He stared at you for a few moments and when he realized you wouldn't speak, sighed. "You do know who I am. I'm well aware of my reputation in your line of work."

He said the last part in mockery and you scowled at him, involuntarily reaching for a knife that was no longer there.

"And, I'm sure you're aware of your circumstance right now." He eyed your hand movement and smirked, "You were sold to us. Your life is in the hands of the King now."

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