The Remaining Task

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The house that Thema lived in was not one to brag about.

Although, you supposed none of the houses around here were ones to brag about either.

Standing in front of the muddy door that you assumed was once white, you knocked on the door and waited silently, your ears straining to pick up any noise on the other side. It was all but silent, the only thing you were able to hear was the yelling in the streets below you.

You had to climb a less than stable set of stairs to make it to the door and you feared if a fight broke out below you, they might topple.

Pulling you out of your thoughts, you heard footsteps approaching the door, a click of a lock, and watched the door pull open to reveal a confused man.

He couldn't have been older than his late twenties, with the starting hints of a beard on his face. His eyes were bright green and his hair dirty blonde with a creased and wrinkled white shirt. Not much taller than you, you stood up a bit straighter and cleared your throat.

"Hello-" You were abruptly cut off as he smiled and leaned against the door.

"Well hello there, beautiful. I haven't seen you around here before." His voice was high pitched with a rasp behind it that led you to believe he smoked once upon a time.

Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance as you rested your hand on your dagger, "With all due respect, sir, I'm looking for a Thema Penner and was told she'd be at this residence. Is it too much of me to presume that you would be her fiancé?"

His face dropped from the confident expression as he looked you up and down in distaste, "I suppose I haven't seen you around here because you're from the fancier side of the kingdom. Your accent is terrible, you know. What do you want with Thema?"

As if on cue, a smaller person appeared behind the man at the entrance of the door, "Thomas what's going on?"

"Don't worry about it Thema and go make us something to eat. We were supposed to have dinner an hour ago but your lazy ass wanted to take an extra shift." He turned on her angrily and you tense your muscles daring him to do anything.

Instead of lodging a dagger in his side, you took a step forward and pushed the door open more, "Miss Thema Penner. I would like to have a word with you if I may."

She came forward more into the afternoon light and you were struck by how simple yet beautiful her facial structure was. Why she was with this man was beyond anything your mind could conjure up. And beyond your care.

"Who are you?" She asked, suspicion lacing her voice.

You bowed slightly, your cloak catching the wind, "Just a humble admirer of yours. If you could give me a moment I'm sure we could reconcile this situation."

"I say no. You're clearly not from around here and I don't want my fiancé going off with some aristocratic shit that's appeared on my doorstep!" The man, Thomas, heatedly yelled.

Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance. That was twice today you had been called aristocratic and it made your blood boil. 

"With all due respect Thomas," You emphasized his voice with distaste, "I was not talking to you. If this is how you treat women I will make a point to send someone here to take her away from you."

He thought you were aristocracy, not with The Order but the threat still stood. He was probably imagining guards or a servant to come, you were more or less threatening his very life at the moment.

"Thomas please, I'll be a few minutes and then I'll make something for dinner. Alright?" She gave him a smile that was not reflected in any of her body language and pushed past him out the door.

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