Boring Days

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A storm had popped up in the later half of the evening, plunging your usually sun soaked room into a gloomy gray. You sat on the bed of your room with your cheek rested on your knee as you watched the rain hit the glass of your room. It made for a good background noise of your ever increasing flurry of thoughts.

A discarded note sat on the nightstand beside you with scratched out words that had been asking Iliyas if there was a library in the palace. The idea of talking to him after your...episode...this morning became more and more unappealing and left a sickening taste in your mouth.

You breathed out of your nose loudly and fell back on your pillow. Your skin still itched with the sensation of being controlled by magic earlier and you desperately wanted to ensure that it didn't happen again, but you didn't even know where to start.

You closed your eyes and willed your mind to be silent and relaxed your body.

No good comes out of stress and panic.

The room was silent save for the rain tapping at the window and you stayed in that position for a while, focusing on breathing and relaxing your body.



Iliyas walked down the hall with a silver platter in his hand. An array of fruits, vegetables, and some meats were meticulously placed on top in what he hoped was an appealing fashion. He still didn't quite know your taste in foods so in lue of it he just brought a little bit of everything.

The sound of rain echoed down the hall following him down and around corners until he arrived at your door.

He paused for a moment, composing himself, and listened for any sound within your room. Hearing none, Iliyas knocked on the door and stood a bit straighter waiting for an invitation to enter.

Kaiyan had scolded him about being more proper with you since you now belonged to a noble family, and Iliyas found himself wanting to just enter.

Hira had also told him it was improper for the king to hand deliver food to a mercenaries room but Jacira was housed on the opposite side of the palace and would not be permitted in this part of the castle.

You had still not said anything and Iliyas frowned slightly. He knocked again and waited a few moments, but there wasn't even the sound of movement coming from inside your room.

Glancing around to make sure no one was in the hallway. He slowly opened the door and slipped inside.

His eyes scanned your room for any sight of you. The sun was setting and you hadn't lit a fire leaving the room fairly dark and hard to see. Moving cautiously through the room, he walked towards the fire and assembled the wood and lit a match. A small fire sprung up and he cultivated it for a few minutes until its glow started to fill the room.

As he turned around he spotted you sleeping on the bed, layed on your back. He picked the tray of food up off of the small table by the couch and set it on your nightstand.

Your face was twisted into an uncomfortable expression and your body seemed tense even in sleep.

Does she ever give herself time to rest?

Iliyas reached his hand out to touch your cheek but paused. Knowing his luck, you'd probably spring up and try to attack him, even though he was just admiring your beauty.

Sighing, he pulled his hand back and played with the cuffs of his suit. He hadn't had a chance to see you today with all of the meetings and etiquette with Jacira that he was expected to uphold and he had felt so unhappy all day.

I suppose I'm too late though.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Iliyas whispered, giving your face one last look before he left the room.


"Wake up." Kaiyan irritably said as he ripped the covers off of you.

You grumbled some obscene comment and turned over to press your face into the pillow.

"(Y/n)." Kaiyan snapped as he stared down at you.

"What's up?" You muffledly asked into the pillow.

"Does training ring a bell with you?"

You lifted your head enough to look up at him and his beyond pissed expression. "Do I still need to train if I'm a mercenary now?"

He scoffed, "You're confusing your fake life with your real job. Yes you have to train. Now get up."

You groaned and sat up, rubbing your eyes. The glint of silver caught your eyes and you looked over to see a tray of food sitting on your nightstand. The food looked old though, as if it had been dropped off last night.

You gave Kaiyan a questioning look but he was already on his way out the door. "Meet me outside in 5 minutes."

The door slammed shut and you sat there for a few seconds, staring at the plate of food. You didnt know what was more concerning: The fact that you didn't know who brought it, or that you didn't wake up when they had come into your room.

You threw on training clothes in a frenzy and did your hygiene routine and found yourself running down the hall to be on time in the training yard. You were met with the image of a disapproving Kaiyan but he said nothing which meant you had gotten there on time.

"We're doing defensive tactics today." Kaiyan started as the two of you walked to the secluded corner of the training yard. "Do your best to keep up."

"Don't I always?" You fired back and shifted into the defensive stance he had taught you.

"I still feel the need to say it." He raised his fists, "Just like I feel the need to say you're not allowed to kill me."

You grinned, "Of course. Because I kill on a dime as you can tell. I mean, the palace staff just drop like flies around here."

Kaiyans expression faltered for a moment and you took the opportunity to throw the first punch. He immediately leaned back and twisted to the side, narrowly avoiding you.

You didn't mind, not intending to hit him, and immediately went back into a defensive stance. Your elbow was tucked against your side and you kept your fists at chin level.

Kaiyan nodded at how you held yourself and started his onslaught of attacks. Left cheek, stomach, shins, shoulder, you deflected them all without so much as a scratch. It continued on and on and left you bored, with Kaiyans number one rule being you weren't allowed to attack back.

"Your mind is wandering off." Kaiyan commented, sweat starting to form on his forehead.

"Forgive me if I don't find defense the most engaging form of training." You sighed as you ducked to the right to avoid a left hook.

"Even if you don't find it fun, it is necessary to learn." He stopped attacking and gave you a pointed look.

"I think it's clear to both of us that I've learned defense. I don't even have to pay attention to avoid your attacks at this point." You rolled your shoulders trying to relax your muscles after having stayed in the tucked position for so long.

"You're still sloppy. That's what we're trying to fix." He hissed

"My sloppiness doesn't matter if I can just kill them." You reminded him for the hundredth time.

"Your ego will get you killed." Kaiyan sighed and a wave of remembrance washed through you.

You pressed your lips together and looked towards the other soldiers training on the other side of the yard. They were attacking various posts or shooting at targets periodically set up around the yard, facing away from you.

"Did I finally get through that thick skull of yours?" Kaiyan commented, seeing your silent figure.

"Shut up..." You muttered and started walking away.

"Our training isn't done." He snapped.

"Well I'm done." You shot back. "I'm done."

The mud sloshed under your feet as you walked away from him and back into the castle.

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