A Kingdom in Chaos

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Never before had Iliyas seen such a mass panic in the castle. People of the court were running around like their heads were cut off in every direction, some carrying trunks of clothes, and others trying to find some sort of assistance on getting their things packed.

The news had been announced a few mornings ago that the King and Queen had been assassinated, and that every guard in the kingdom was on watch for the girl who had supposedly done it.

No news had shown up though.

Iliyas sat in his room, the only quiet place in the castle at this point, and stared at the spot he had seen her a few mornings ago.

The news had shocked him at first, but after being ushered to and fro in the secret passages in the castle to make sure his life wasn't threatened, he found his new reality to be tedious more than anything.

Of course there was a part of him that was upset that his father wasn't alive, but the man never cared for Iliyas so why should he care for him? The fact that his mother wasn't alive filled him somewhat with joy. She was a terrible person, and the misfortune he had prayed for had finally befallen her.

Now came the pressing issue. Konnyr was without a king.

Iliyas had been visited earlier by his dead fathers official who called for him to take the throne immediately lest there be a power struggle and someone else got to it first. Iliyas had laughed in his face and told him to leave the room.

The suns reflection through the balcony doors cast rainbows all over his room and he waved his hand in front of one. He wasn't meant to take power of Konnyr for a good while yet, nor did he know how to lead. However, he wasn't foolish enough to realize if he didn't take control soon, it would end terribly for the kingdom and himself.

Iliyas was too proud to end up as the foolish king in history.

His mind thought back to when he had seen her. He still didn't know her name and it drove him mad.

He scoured Konnyr's census records and newspapers but there was nothing that even hinted to what her identity was. It was like a game of cat and mouse and he didn't like being on the losing end.

There is still a plan for you... Her voice swirled around in his head.

"What plan?" He murmured as he stood up and walked over to the balcony. Leaning over the ledge he looked down at the roofs below.

How exhilarated she must've felt as she plunged. He could replay the moments again in his head, and he had been for days. Tracking her movement from his door to the balcony to her descent down into the morning below.

"What is your plan for me?" He called out to the town below resting his chin in his hand, although no one could hear him.

Sighing, he returned to his room and grabbed the stack of papers he had placed on his desk. Skimming over the contents, he decided he really didn't want to handle the paperwork side of being a monarch.

Saving him from a future headache, a knock came from his door and he threw the papers down on the desk again. "Come in."

Solon stepped through the door and bowed to him, "Your Highness. Many people are requesting your audience at the front of the palace." He paused as he looked at Iliyas state.

His silver hair had been sticking up in every direction and his white shirt was heavily wrinkled. There were bags under his eyes as well. He hadn't cared about his appearance since that night and was allowing people to use grief as the excuse for it.

"They would like you to see them off and quell their fears." Solon finished as he straightened himself once again.

"What fears?" Iliyas scoffed as he ran his fingers through his hair to fix its state.

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