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Iliyas sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at (Y/n)s sleeping figure. Her chest rose and fell softly, and her hair fanned out on the side of the pillow. A face that was usually set in distaste or anger had finally softened with sleep, and he felt as if he could stare at it forever.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered as he rubbed a thumb over her knuckles.

Minutes before she had been screaming in his room, breaking down, and he had felt helpless. She was obviously struggling with everything happening around her, yet he didn't know what to do.

Iliyas bowed his head slightly and looked at the finely woven blanket he was sitting on.

What horrors did she witness everyday? Did a day ever go by where she starved? Hurt?

Her seemingly innocent face betrayed nothing of her hardships and once again, Iliyas felt lost.

"Tell me how to help you." He spoke softly and looked out onto the balcony at the stars in the sky as if they would give an answer.

So little of the food had been touched and it was all still perfectly set up as he had prepared it before she arrived. He didn't even get to tell her that he was on the brink of striking a deal with Ivdoli to help the people who were struggling in the towns below. She would be happy to hear that.

Iliyas shook his head slightly and rubbed his face with his hands. Since when had he gotten so enamored with (Y/n)? When had she consumed all of his thoughts every moment in the day. He was doing everything with her in his mind at this point.

A knock came from the door, pulling him from his thoughts.

He slowly slid off the bed so as to not wake her sleeping figure, and walked over to the door. His eyebrows raised when he saw Kaiyan standing on the other side of the door.

"What's wrong?" Iliyas asked, trying to shield (Y/n) from his sight.

"Why was there screaming in your room?" Kaiyan asked, his gaze narrowing.

"There was a slight disagreement, that's all. You don't need to worry yourself about anything like that." Iliyas went to touch the cuff of his suit but refrained as best as he could.

Kaiyan looked to his hands, and then back up to his face, "So then where is she now?"

"Ah, well, she went back to her room for the night." He shifted on his feet, "She wasn't very happy with me after all."

The guard sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "I told you once and I'll tell you again. She is dangerous." He hissed the word. "She will kill you sooner than I can get to you Iliyas and that's not a liability I want around."

"So you admit she's better than you?" Iliyas mused.

"No. I'm saying she has the capabilities of ending your bloodline." He crossed his arms.

What if she becomes part of my bloodline, Iliyas thought but dismissed it quickly.

"I am being cautious Kaiyan, I-"

"No you are not. I see the way you look at her, and the way she looks at you. You're falling for this woman while she doesn't even care. She is a fuse just waiting to be lit, and you're enabling it."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Iliyas said dismissively, "I'm perfectly fine and there is nothing wrong here. Goodnight Kaiyan."

"Your Majesty-"


The door was swiftly shut and Iliyas leaned against it, staring at your still sleeping figure with relief.


Sunlight fell on your face and you scrunched your nose, turning over to the other side. You settled in for a few minutes until you realized that the sun shouldn't be hitting your face at all.

Shooting upright, you whipped your head around to figure out where the hell you were. Suddenly, last night's events came swirling back to you and you frantically looked to see Iliyas asleep in a chair beside your bed. Relief flooded through you.

You were still in your dress from last night, although the lacing had been undone so you could breathe again, yet nothing else seemed to have been changed. You tenderly set a foot down on the carpeted floor and slid off the bed, the dress's fabric making a rustling sound.

Iliyas eyes opened slowly and looked up to see you.

He smiled tenderly, "Oh good, you're awake. I was worried you would sleep well into the day."

You froze in your steps and looked to the door, "Yes, well, I'm fine. I just had some issues conducting myself last night. I apologize."

Iliyas slowly reached out for your hand but you pulled it away, pretending not to notice the pained look on his face.

"(Y/n). I know you didn't have an easy life, but I want to help you move forward." Worry clouded his red eyes, "As I've said before-"

"I remember our conversation about this topic well. It haunts my mind at night." You responded coldly. "I would rather not receive more insight from you that causes me to question my life."

He pressed his lips together and looked away, "I'm sorry, it was not my intention to have that sort of effect on you."

"I know." The response seemed more harsh than you had intended. "But there are many things I don't quite understand about myself either right now so I don't expect you to understand or help me."

His eyes met yours, "When the day comes that you understand, will you confide in me? Will you allow me to help you?"

A coldness swept over your body and you stared at him for a few moments. Would you be able to understand yourself at any point? And why did Iliyas so desperately want to help you?

"If I am to confide in you, you must confide in me too." You answered, hoping it would discourage him. Surely he wouldn't share the vulnerable parts of his life and kingdom with you. It went against being a king.

"Whenever you want me to, I will." He answered quickly, negating your hope.

"Well then, I'll let you know I suppose." You turned to leave the room.

As you placed your hand on the door and went to open it, Iliyas got up and came up behind you.

"What are you doing?" You asked in an accusatory tone.

"Kaiyan believes you went to your room last night and didn't ring for anyone or get any help. Your dress can't be untied by you alone." He explained as he grabbed the ribbons and looked at you. "You understand what I mean right?"

You nodded slowly and sucked in a breath. Iliyas, taking it as a sign to go ahead, tightened the ribbons and tied them together. "There. Now there should be no errors in my story, just try not to let many people see you on your way back to your room."

"Thank you." You muttered and stepped into the hallway.

"Any time (Y/n)." He said with a smile before the door shut and you ventured off to your own room. 

Blade of Lust (Yandere x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora