Kingdom of Lies

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There is a saying that "The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time." As you stared down from the rafters of the ballroom to the spinning gowns of frills and tailcoats, a sneer came to your lips. None of these people had ever felt the fear of death and were throwing parties while the better half of their kingdom rotted in the alleys far below.

Your fingers were itching to grab the dagger strapped to your thigh and to chuck it as hard as possible into the crowd, but you refrained. You would most likely get caught and in the end the aristocrat would be replaced. The end goal from this expedition would be worth so much more to you. Shifting your feet slightly, your eyes met someone else's, about a hundred feet away, sitting in the rafters tasked with the same mission as you: Scout out the aristocracy staying at the palace.

You had spent the better half of 3 hours memorizing the faces that went to the names on the sheets of paper shoved in your pocket and now you were simply bored. Even though they thought so highly of themselves, you were not interested in these people one bit. Annoying girls below laughed like dolphins and the young boys tripped over themselves to seem suitable to dance with. A pitiful existence, you almost felt bad for them.

Breathing out of your nose loudly, you glanced out of the giant glass windows on the far wall behind the thrones and stared at the moon high in the night sky. Surely you could pull back now and report your findings...right?

Catching the eye of the other person you gestured your head toward the exit of the room.

Can we go now?

His eyes glimmered with amusement as if he was internally making fun of you. Oh who were you kidding, he probably was. He glanced down at the crowd again for a few moments, probably trying to find his last people, and then nodded.

Swiftly, you both took off across the beams supporting the roof and slid down a marble pillar at the very back of the room. The guards, as they usually were at these events, were not at their posts and had taken more of a liking to gossiping and drinking, leaving it easy for the two of you to slip out of the room undetected.

The soft black shoes the two of you wore made soft tap tap sounds as you walked down the hall and stopped in front of a grey tapestry with a silver crown embroidered into it. Lifting it up, the boy pushed in a stone and a small passageway that you could crawl through opened.

Gesturing for you to go, you moved past the boy and knelt down and got on your hands and knees, shimmying your way through the wall into the damp, dirty passage. A couple seconds later all light was cut off as he shut the door behind you two and followed. It didn't matter. You had been crawling around these walls for as long as you could remember. Light wasn't necessary to find your way out.

Muscle memory led you down the passage, turning a couple times, before the sound of running water hit your ears. You could see moonlight at the end of the hole that was being filtered in from a sewer grate, your exit.

Shoving your shoulder against it, it popped open and you crawled out of the hole, stood up, and brushed off your black pants. The boy emerged after you and slid the grate back in place.

Looking around, you were back in an alleyway where multiple people leaned against the wall. A couple of them stared at you, but you forced yourself to look away. It pained you to see all of the suffering, yet this wasn't the only alley. Dozens of others were filled with the same people doomed to die. The malnourishment would surely kill them tonight so they weren't a threat having seen you.

The boy caught your eye, completely ignoring the people staring, and smirked before he scaled the wall and disappeared onto the roof. Sighing, you scaled it as well and chased after him.


The prince kept glancing at the rafters in curiosity. This was the second time he had seen her snooping around the castle and was quite intrigued as to why. Her (h/c) was tied back into a tight ponytail and her black clothing made it almost impossible to distinguish her features. He watched as her eyes scanned the crowd, yet they never met his. It infuriated him slightly.

Someone nudged his arm and he looked over to see his mother giving him a stern look.

"If you're going to daydream the whole time, at least dance with one of the ladies who wish to marry."

"My apologies mother." He uttered and moved into the crowd of people dancing. He still glanced up at the girl and paused in curiosity as she moved towards the back of the room and jumped down, disappearing into the hall.

Quickening his pace to catch up, he was stopped by a girl with frizzy red hair.

"My prince, may I have a dance?" She blinked in what he thought she counted as a 'feminine' way and he sighed.

"Yes of course." He said in defeat and held out his hand.

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