The Tipping Point

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Time slowed down as the door opened and you locked eyes with the king. He blinked for a moment and then took in the dress you were wearing, his cheeks reddening.

You turned your head away in embarrassment, "I was told I had a certain etiquette to uphold now."

Iliyas said nothing and just stared at you, causing you to shift uncomfortably. You felt as if you were under a magnifying glass and being analyzed for every tiny detail.

"Listen if it's that bad I can go back and change into my regular clothes-"

"No." He said quickly. He played with the cuff of his suit and looked away, "Sorry, I didn't intend to stare. It's just-, well nevermind. You look lovely, please don't change."

Staring at him, you raised an eyebrow, "Then can we get on with dinner?"

He stepped back and allowed you to step in his room, your dress making an awkward shuffling sound on the carpeting past the threshold.

"I prepared it out on the balcony like we had previously done. I hope that's alright." Iliyas walked ahead of you and opened the door to the balcony giving you a slight smile.

"I don't mind." You answered as you stepped out onto the balcony, not noticing his lingering gaze on you.

The cool air touched your skin and you looked up to see the stars shining bright in the night sky. There was a slight smell of flowers on the breeze and you could hear noise from guards somewhere below.

Iliyas hurried in front of you again and pulled out a chair for you that had been set up at a glass table. As had been displayed before, dozens of different colorful and eccentric dishes were spread out on the table. Steam came off of them in waves, indicating they had just been dropped off.

"You really don't have to prepare all of this for me." You said as you sat down and let him push the chair in.

"I don't see why I can't. You probably haven't been exposed to many different foods have you?" He asked as he walked around the table and sat down, your eyes tracking his every movement.

"No. I haven't." You admitted taking in the colorful array of food once again, "But I don't see how that's my fault considering the poverty in the towns below us."

Iliyas grimaced slightly, "Yes, you're right. Believe me, I'm working hard to undo all the wrongs of my father," He paused and met your eyes, "Especially the poverty the kingdom is facing."

You leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms, the fabric and jewels poking at your arms, "I see."

He stared at you for a few moments before he abruptly sat up straighter and looked at the table, "Well, um, help yourself to anything obviously."

Grabbing your fork, you pulled a small amount of vegetables from the nearest tray and put it on your plate followed by some meat you couldn't identify. Iliyas grabbed much larger portions across from you and frowned when he saw how little you had gotten yourself. You felt guilty and shameful at the idea of taking more than you had already. People were still starving.

"I suppose there was a reason you invited me here." You said as you managed to swallow some of the sweet vegetables.

Iliyas tensed a little and set his fork down, "I can't just invite you to have dinner with me?"

"I guess, but I wouldn't have accepted if I truly believed that." The air between the two of you thickened. There was dead silence for a few seconds. You were beginning to think you had said something to upset him but he suddenly stood up straighter.

"I see." He spoke, some unfamiliar tone in his voice. "Well, I do have something to talk about with you, but I don't want to rush you into anything."

You took a sip of the sparkling liquid that had been pre-poured into your glass, "I don't feel rushed about anything. In fact, I feel eager to start doing something."

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