The Role of a Prince

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Iliyas pulled at the collar of his shirt as he stared at himself in the mirror.

On the way back from sparring with Kaiyan he was in such good spirits that he just had to come across the Queen who all but demanded he show up at the tea party later. A required event that had all but slipped his mind.

He was no longer dressed in the simple clothing he had been sparring in, but a pristine and custom-fitted white suit with gold embellishments. He looked every bit the crown prince that the Queen paraded him around as.

Passing by his desk, he grabbed the small gold circlet laying on some random papers and glared at it as if it embodied his mother before putting it on his head.

Now I look the part. He scowled, moving strands of his hair to the side and out of his face.

Before leaving his room he stopped and rubbed an oil that smelled of vanilla behind his ears and on his wrists, and did one more examination of his appearance.

He didn't need the Queen scolding him with half of the women in the castle present.

Once again, he made his way down the hall and descended the staircase, but instead of heading towards the kitchens like earlier he turned down a dizzying amount of hallways before he saw the glass wall up ahead that signaled the entrance to the gardens.

The royal gardens of Konnyr were renowned widely to be one of the most captivating sights of the ancient kingdom. Iliyas, however, became bored with them by the age of four.

An immense courtyard flowed forward and around him with hedges stacked many feet in the air, creating mazes and backdrops for ladies to sit and chat around. Near the entrance there was a stone pathway dedicated to splitting the gardens in half with exotic flowers and vines snaking their way along the sides.

Already, there were many women sitting in the shaded benches or glass tables that could seat around four people and were positioned near the entrance. The second he walked into the garden he could feel their eyes fall on him.

It wasn't hard for him to locate the Queen seeing as she was the most intricately clothed person there. No matter the weather, she always made a point to wear layers and layers of fabric to the point that he was sure she'd overheat at times. He so wished to see it happen someday.

He met her stormy blue eyes and she plastered her fake smile that she gave to everyone onto her face as she walked over to him.

"My darling Iliyas. I'm so glad you finally decided to show up." She reached out her hand and looped her arm into his, a seemingly innocent and familial gesture, but the pace at which she was pulling him into the center of the crowd gave away her less than mothering intentions.

Iliyas forced his smile to match that of the Queens, "But of course Mother." The word left a sour taste in his mouth, "I always wish to please our guests, and you." He placed his hand on his chest and bowed to her.

The women nearby had started to stand up and form a circle around the two royals and Iliyas tensed in discomfort.

"As always, you bring me pride, my son. This is my event but please feel free to mingle at your discretion. No need to stay by my side." Her tone was warm and uplifting

Iliyas raised his head to see her cold eyes as they stared at him. He could almost read the underlying message to him.

Talk to the women and don't come near me.

"Of course Mother." he relented as he fully stood up and pulled at the cuffs of his suit anxiously.

Without another word, she turned her back on him as she had so many times, and left him alone seeing another conversation more important than him.

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