Unforeseen Ally?

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"What an interesting display of defense." A voice commented as you past through the castle threshold.

You turned your head to see Jacira leaned against one of the pillars in the hallway with an interested expression on her face. Her curled hair was up in a bun and she had changed her gold bangles for rings on her fingers connected with chains.

"You were watching?" You asked carefully, standing a bit taller.

"Of course." She looked down at her nails before pushing herself off of the pillar and in front of you. "I make it my business to know an allied nation's power. And that," She smiled at you, "starts with its soldiers."

You said nothing as you watched her eyes scan you up and down. You could tell she was analyzing your strength and build once again and putting it up against what she had seen in the yard.

After a few moments you broke the silence, "And? What are your thoughts?"

"I think..." She met your eyes again with an eerie smile. "You are a very interesting fighter."

You had to restrain yourself from laughing, "I'm going to choose to take that as a compliment."

Her eyes sparkled, "You should. I'm most intrigued by you Miss Esira, and I do believe that we got off on the wrong foot yesterday."

"You mean when you charmed me with magic?" You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms.

Jacira winced slightly, "I thought you were about to take your life and saw no other option. Do believe that the people of the Southern kingdom do not just charm people for fun."

You stood still and this time it was your turn to analyze her. "And the cold attitude you had towards me?"

"Call it fear. I'm well aware that magic is banned in Konnyr and the fact that I used it, well, it would've been bad for me if you decided to tell the king."

It didn't quite add up to you but you didn't reveal the fact. "So how do you propose we fix this supposed bad meeting?"

Jacira extended a hand of swirling tattoos, the chains on her hand jingling, "I am Jacira Evelista of the Southern kingdom, distant relative to the sovereign family and the official diplomat."

You looked at her hand wondering if some charm would overtake you, and cautiously shook it. "Hello, I'm Esira, an illegitimate child of the court. I'm an official hired mercenary of King Iliyas and sworn to protect him."

She nodded, "Am I not allowed to know what family you are from?"

You grimaced, "I fear my family doesn't know I am back yet and I wouldn't want anyone to know I am back before I send the news to them personally."

Jacira nodded in understanding, "I see. Won't you walk with me?"

Not seeing a reason to refuse, she linked arms with yours and the two of you started down the hall towards the gardens.

"How have you liked your time here so far?" You asked, feeling slightly on edge.

"The air here is much gloomier than that of my kingdom." She admitted, "But it's not the most unpleasant place I've been."

"No, I suppose not." You agreed. "Although compared to the rest of Konnyr, this palace is a shiny jewel."

"Have you seen much of this country?" Jacira looked over at you.

"Plenty enough to see the unrest and poverty." A dark look crossed your face but you quickly replaced it with a somber smile.

"I suppose that's why the last king was assassinated." She commented as the two of you stepped into the gardens.

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