A New Identity

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The sound of Iliyas footsteps matched that of his beating heart as he made his way back to his rooms. The haunting look (Y/n) had given him as he opened up and offered to help her was seared into his memory and left a part of him feeling helpless. He only wanted to help her, be the one to protect her, yet she seemed as if she didn't want it. She couldn't accept it.

As he opened the door to his room, he was shocked to see Solon standing there, a pile of papers in hand.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty." He bowed and held out the papers, "These have come in from the Southern kingdom. It seems the diplomat will arrive promptly tomorrow morning. Underneath this, is merchant stocks that need to be signed before they leave Konnyr borders."

The sight of Solon shocked Iliyas slightly and he paused, staring at the papers being held in front of him. After a moment, he shook his head slightly and took them from the butler. He scanned the contents of the papers and tossed them onto the desk.

I'll read them later.

Solon gave him a displeasing look as Iliyas sat on the edge of his bed, "And where were you just now?"

"Does it matter?" Iliyas matched his look and pulled at the cuffs of his suit.

The two held their gaze for a moment before Solon sighed and looked away, "You're nervous Your Majesty."

"I am not." Iliyas snapped and stared out the glass doors leading to the balcony. The sun was low in the sky and clouds rolled by slowly.

"You need to refrain from that habit lest someone catches on." The butler rested his hand on Iliyas shoulder and looked at him solemnly, "I understand this is a lot of responsibility for you, and you're still mourning your parents-"

Iliyas shrugged his hand off, "I don't care that my parents are dead. You more than anyone know how they treated me behind closed doors."

Solon pressed his lips together as he contemplated his next words, "You're right. I do. I was just being cautious of any possibility, Your Majesty."

Iliyas took a deep breath in, "I know Solon." He rested his head in his hands, "This is still all so new to me."

"I am aware, Your Majesty." Solon paused in a way that Iliyas knew he was contemplating saying something. "Perhaps we should...remove distractions from your life for a few days to help you acclimate."

The kings head whipped up and he glared, "What do you mean by distractions?"

The butler shifted so his back faced him, "I suppose there could be a number of things."

"You clearly have something in mind, Solon." Iliyas pressed, annoyance building inside him.

There was a silence that fell on them and Iliyas felt his heart beating in his chest. He stared at Solon who looked back at the door to his room.

"I only meant the assassin." Solon spoke as he looked ahead.

"She is to stay in this castle, be accommodated to, and kept safe." Iliyas hissed and stood up angrily, "Those were my direct orders Solon. She will not be removed."

The air was thick between the two of them and Iliyas could only hear his heart pounding once again as silence filled the room. After a while, Solon turned around to face him and bowed.

"You're right. Those were your orders and they will be seen to. Apologies, Your Majesty, for speaking out of line." The butler straightened himself and quietly left the room.

Iliyas sank to the floor with his knees pressed against his chest. He felt like punching something and screaming yet he couldn't move. Every time he closed his eyes he could picture (Y/n). She came in flashes of images and it was driving him crazy.

Blade of Lust (Yandere x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin