A Deep Conversation

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A string of curses and a gasp of surprise pulled you out of your sleep and you darted out of bed and to the nearest place you had hidden a pin. Your heart still pounding in your ears, your eyes landed on a figure sprawled halfway over the couch, grinning at you.

"I didn't know you were such a decorator (Y/n)." Iliyas said as he twisted himself in a way that let him fall over the couch into the room. He stood up and brushed his suit off while adrenaline slowly left your body. "Although, I don't know if the couch is in the best position. You may need to rethink it."

You slipped the pin back to its hidden spot and deflated, your tense muscles moaning at the sudden bolt of action. "It was there to stop anyone from coming into my room." Your arms crossed over your chest and you gave him a pointed look. "That includes you."

"Do forgive me for coming unannounced but I found myself quite bored in all of the meetings I was forced to attend." He explained as he crossed the room and sat on your bed. "There is never a dull moment when I'm in your presence though."

"Unlike the rest of your staff at this castle, I'm not an attraction to gawk at." You said curtly, "I may work for you but there was nothing in my contract that said I had to entertain you."

He winced slightly at your words, "I don't view you as entertainment (Y/n). You're your own person and I just happen to enjoy your company."

You stood for a few moments mulling over his words. Autonomy was never granted to you before, you belonged to The Order and fulfilled their wishes. Being your own person wasn't a luxury afforded to you. What kind of person were you? The thought of not knowing made you sick to your stomach and you let it drift from your mind. Better gone than being added to the things swirling around in your mind.

"I don't do anything special." You replied and continued to stand, staring at your own bed. Your legs were sore from training still but you refused to sit in that close proximity to Iliyas.

"Perhaps that's the most alluring thing about you. You don't force yourself to act a certain way like the court ladies and don't filter your words." He leaned towards you more and you took a step back.

"With all due respect, I don't think you should be commending me on my lack of self-restraint especially around you." You crossed your arms, "You still are a king even if I dont recognize it."

He laughed and laid back on your bed, "There you go scolding me once again! Do you have any other mood besides 'brooding'?"

You stood silently and pondered the question, not quite sure whether to answer or not. His eyes glittered with amusement and anger boiled inside you. The stupid boy was enjoying this.

"Well? Do indulge me (Y/n)."

I suppose its my standard reaction to you, Your Majesty." You scowled and crossed over to sit on the couch. At opposite ends of the room, all you could do was lock eyes with the man.

"I see." He grinned. "Then let me help you become more friendly to me. Lets converse." His eyebrows were raised as if giving you the duty to start and you bit the inside of your cheek.

"Who said I wanted to talk with you?" You sighed but leaned back and thought. There were a million different paths you could take, a thousand ways to interrogate him, yet you were tired of it. You were tired of constantly using torture methods and fear tactics drilled into you and so you settled on an easy question; "How is being king?"

To your horror, Iliyas erupted into a fit of laughter. "Dear (Y/n), I give you the opportunity to choose any topic in the word and you choose to pleasantries? I cant believe it!"

Your face heated up and you quickly shot to your feet, "You come into my room and bombard me with all of this desire to talk and then laugh when I do?" You walked over and grabbed his arm, yanking him off your bed. "If all you came here to do was make a fool out of me I disrespectfully ask you to leave."

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