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There you were Cairo, sitting at a bar with the four men you traveled with

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There you were Cairo, sitting at a bar with the four men you traveled with. 

"Greetings, strangers. What can I get for you?" the bartender asked. 

Joseph put the Polaroid on the counter. "There's something we want to ask you. We're looking for this building. Any idea where it is?"

"Honored stranger, this is a cafe. It is customary to order drinks before asking questions."

"Then we'll have five ice teas." Avdol proceeded to put money on the counter after Joseph's order. 

The owner poured the drinks as he looked at the photos. "Never seen it." 

Joseph approached another patron of the cafe. He returned the picture. "Sorry, it doesn't look familiar."

"I see. Sorry to bother you." Joseph turned to the rest of the group. "Let's go. We'll inquire elsewhere."

As you all turned to leave, a voice spoke up. "I know where that building is." You turned around to where the voice was coming from--a man in the back playing cards. "I'm rather familiar with it."

You approached him. "You speak the truth? There is no witty joke attached?"

He nodded. "Indeed. I do know where that building is."

"What? Really?" Joseph came up next to you. "Where is it? Tell us! Where?"

He flipped his cards. "Are you expecting something for nothing?"

"You've got a point. Sorry about that." He dug into his pocket. "Here's ten pounds. So, where is it?"

The man laughed, putting his hand up. Then, what seemed like out of nothing, a card appeared in between his fingers. "I am a gambling man; a sucker for cheap thrills--you could even say I'm an addict. It's how I make my living, you know. Tell me... do you like to gamble?"

"I'm not sure what you're getting at."

"Gambling. If you don't fancy it, say so."

You rolled your eyes. "It's a game of luck, not skill--It's a baseless game."

"Well, you're free to have that opinion, but would you at least like to play that 'baseless game'? If you win, I'll tell you the location of your building."

"You mean a bet?" Joseph questioned. "Look, I'm a lucky guy, but we don't have time for poker right now. I'll give you another twenty pounds, so tell us."

"A bet can be anything. It won't take long. For example, take a look over there. See that cat?" He took the meat on his plate and threw it onto the sandy ground. "So, two pieces of dried fish... Which will the cat eat first? The right of the left one? How about it? It's simple, but oddly thrilling."

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