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The crickets chirped as you heard the sound of waves in the distance. Non-existent birds sang from their non-existent branches that gently blew in the non-existent wind. The said wind echoed in your ears as though you were in a cavern. The darkness around you would probably convince you that you were had you not been here before. 

You clapped your hands together. "Alright, it's been a while. Where are ya?"

A crow flew past your face. You watched it land. Upon reaching the ground, it morphed into a yellow cat. It looked at you, then scurried off. 

"Hey, wait!" You chased after it, but no matter how fast you ran, the feline was faster. "C'mon, what are you, a witch in disguise or something?"

It stopped. "Close."

You halted your sprints out of shock, falling to the ground due to the sheer velocity at which you were previously going. The cat turned to look at you, then shifted its form once more. This time, into the first (Y/N).

She brushed herself off after an exhale. "Sorry about scaring you back there, Love."

Her outfit was different than the last you saw her. She was no longer in the clothes she perished in years before. Now, she wore a studded choker necklace, a leather jacket, and multiple belts wrapped tightly around her torso in place of a blouse. She wore pants with white diamonds decorating the legs and black leather boots with spikes and studs. 

Not only that, but her hair was a mess, and you could see on her ears were gold studs. On her left ring finger, there was a silver ring. There was also one on her right pinkie. Finally, her lips and fingernails were painted the same shade of white. 

You looked her up and down, speechless. "What are you..."

"I've never worn pants before! Isn't this exciting!" She twirled around, excitedly showing off her new clothes. "Don't get too jealous, now. I'm not only your past but your future as well." She winked. 

"I'm sorry, what's going on?"

She approached you. Your eyes looked into hers, and hers into yours. She slowly raised her arm... just to poke the middle of your forehead, jump away, and laugh. 

You began to get angry but calmed yourself down with a breath. "You know what? I'd go crazy, too, if I was stuck alone here for eternity... Wherever 'here' is..." You walked back over to your great-great-grandmother. "Seriously, though, what's with the outfit? What do you mean you're 'my future as well'?"

She put her finger to her lips, the said digit lighting like a candle. "Hmm... How do I say this in a foreshadowing way and not a surprise spoiler..." She shrugged and turned her back to you. 

"C'mon, (Y/N)..."

She snapped. "Oh! I've got it!" She turned back around. "You'll just have to wait and see! It's pretty easy to tell if you really know."

"That... doesn't help."

"It's not supposed to. It's better if you don't know yet." She jumped up, crossed her legs, then landed back on the ground. "Sit with me, dear." You obliged the dead woman. "If I weren't this demon, I'd want to be an angel."

"Wouldn't we all?"

"No, not really. Some people, like that Kujo boy of yours, are quite dark and brooding."

"Well, if you were an angel, what would you do?"

She thought for a moment. "I'd hope that we're acting under the assumption I'd be in Heaven if that were the case. Well, besides greeting my dead loved ones, which should go without saying, I'd love to try something called ramen. I never left England except to visit my brother in France once when he was alive, but I talked to some Chinese immigrants about it. It sounds delectable. Have you ever had it?"

"I have. I eat it often. It's quite popular in Japan."

Her smile softened into genuine happiness. "That's great."

"You really think people eat food in Heaven?"

"Well, it's supposed to be paradise, no? Does good-tasting food all day, every day, not sound like paradise to you?"

"Well, yeah, but you wouldn't really need it."

"At that point, it's not about necessity, it's about the taste; the experience."

"Okay, well, what sort of ramen would you want to try?"

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Well, I like my ramen with soy sauce."

She looked at you, her smile cracking. "I-I don't know what that is..."

"Oh. Right."

There was silence. In these few minutes, (Y/N) laid on her back. "It's lonely here, but I'm glad it's dark. It never feels like it's morning."

You followed suit. "Yeah, it must be nice to not worry about burning anymore."

She looked over at you. "Do you still fear witches as much as we did?"

You shook your head. "At most, people freak out about a fantasy game and claim it's of the devil. But, I doubt Dio made a game where you can be an elf and cast fireballs."

(Y/N) chuckled. "That's good, even if I don't really know what you're referring to."

"Sorry, I keep forgetting."

"Hey, don't worry about it."

"I don't want to upset you."

"You're not. Listen, it's been a few hours--"

You shot up. "It has!?"

She laughed, sitting up with you. "Now you know how I feel when I found out it's been 100 years." She stood, helping you up. "I'm still not going to tell you why I look like this, but I will say this--When you find these clothes out there in the real world, get ready for a fight."

You nodded. 



Your nickname being called from outside your window was the first thing you heard after getting out of your trance. You threw your cloak back on and leaned out. 

"We're going to look for the old man and Avdol, you comin'?" Jotaro shouted up to you. 

"Of course!" You climbed onto the window sill, then ran down the wall to the ground. "I can't believe they haven't come back yet."

"I can't believe you're Spider-Man," Polnareff commented.

You picked up Iggy, who had been sleeping in the sun. "I bet you're hungry, aren't you, puppy?" You pet his head as the three of you began to walk.

"He's way too mean to be a puppy."

-end of chapter thirty-one

Sacrificial Strength - A Jotaro Kujo x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now